Rishabh S. Gvalani
Rishabh S. Gvalani
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Long-time behaviour and phase transitions for the McKean--Vlasov equation on the torus
JA Carrillo, RS Gvalani, GA Pavliotis, A Schlichting
Arch Rational Mech Anal (2019)., 2018
Instability, rupture and fluctuations in thin liquid films: Theory and computations
MA Durán-Olivencia, RS Gvalani, S Kalliadasis, GA Pavliotis
Journal of statistical physics 174 (3), 579-604, 2019
On the diffusive-mean field limit for weakly interacting diffusions exhibiting phase transitions
MG Delgadino, RS Gvalani, GA Pavliotis
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 241, 91-148, 2021
Phase transitions, logarithmic Sobolev inequalities, and uniform-in-time propagation of chaos for weakly interacting diffusions
MG Delgadino, RS Gvalani, GA Pavliotis, SA Smith
Communications in Mathematical Physics 401 (1), 275-323, 2023
Exponential mixing for random dynamical systems and an example of Pierrehumbert
A Blumenthal, M Coti Zelati, RS Gvalani
The Annals of Probability 51 (4), 1559-1601, 2023
Barriers of the McKean–Vlasov energy via a mountain pass theorem in the space of probability measures
RS Gvalani, A Schlichting
Journal of Functional Analysis 279 (11), 108720, 2020
Phase transitions for nonlinear nonlocal aggregation-diffusion equations
JA Carrillo, RS Gvalani
Communications in mathematical physics 382 (1), 485-545, 2021
Conservative SPDEs as fluctuating mean field limits of stochastic gradient descent
B Gess, RS Gvalani, V Konarovskyi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.05705, 2022
An invariance principle for gradient flows in the space of probability measures
JA Carrillo, RS Gvalani, JSH Wu
Journal of Differential Equations 345, 233-284, 2023
Stochastic estimates for the thin-film equation with thermal noise
RS Gvalani, M Tempelmayr
arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.15829, 2023
On a novel gradient flow structure for the aggregation equation
A Esposito, RS Gvalani, A Schlichting, M Schmidtchen
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 63 (5), 126, 2024
Thermodynamically consistent and positivity-preserving discretization of the thin-film equation with thermal noise
B Gess, R Gvalani, F Kunick, F Otto
Mathematics of Computation 92 (343), 1931-1976, 2023
Ergodicity and random dynamical systems for conservative SPDEs
B Fehrman, B Gess, RS Gvalani
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.14789, 2022
Mixing by Statistically Self-similar Gaussian Random Fields
M Coti Zelati, TD Drivas, RS Gvalani
Journal of Statistical Physics 191 (5), 1-11, 2024
Many-particle systems: phase transitions, distinguished limits, and gradient flows
RS Gvalani
Imperial College London, 2020
Instability, rupture and fluctuations in thin liquid films: Theory and computations
R Gvalani, M Duran-Olivencia, S Kalliadasis, G Pavliotis
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, G38. 007, 2017
Emergence of stochastic dynamics in plane Couette flow
R Gvalani, C Beaume
arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.04355, 2016
Transition of Spatially Localised States in Shear Flows
R Gvalani, C Beaume, SK Campus
Conference Dinner
K Heid, R Gvalani, F Mattesini, F Otto, M Tempelmayr, S Menu
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Articles 1–19