Mihai Andrei Lacatus
Cited by
Cited by
Eco-friendly enzymatic production of 2, 5-bis (hydroxymethyl) furan fatty acid diesters, potential biodiesel additives.
MA Lăcătuș, LC Bencze, MI Toșa, C Paizs, FD Irimie
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 6 (9), 11353-11359, 2018
Solvent-Free Biocatalytic Synthesis of 2, 5-bis-(Hydroxymethyl) Furan Fatty Acid Diesters from Renewable Resources
MA Lăcătuş, AI Dudu, LC Bencze, G Katona, FD Irimie, C Paizs, ...
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 8 (3), 1611-1617, 2020
Eco-friendly enzymatic production of 2, 5-bis (hydroxymethyl) furan fatty acid diesters, potential biodiesel additives
MA Lăcătuş, LC Bencze, MI Toşa, C Paizs, FD Irimie
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 6 (9), 11353-11359, 2018
How to Turn Yeast Cells into a Sustainable and Switchable Biocatalyst? On-Demand Catalysis of Ketone Bioreduction or Acyloin Condensation
L Nagy-Győr, M Lăcătuş, D Balogh-Weiser, P Csuka, V Bódai, ...
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 7 (24), 19375-19383, 2019
Green Process for the Enzymatic Synthesis of Aroma Compounds Mediated by Lipases Entrapped in Tailored Sol–Gel Matrices
AI Dudu, MA Lăcătuş, LC Bencze, C Paizs, MI Toşa
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 9 (15), 5461-5469, 2021
Conservation of the Biocatalytic Activity of Whole Yeast Cells by Supported Sol–Gel Entrapment for Efficient Acyloin Condensation
L Nagy-Győr, E Farkas, M Lăcătuș, G Tóth, D Incze, G Hornyánszky, ...
Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering 64 (2), 153-161, 2020
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