Elsadig Mahdi
Elsadig Mahdi
Professor of Materials and Design, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, QU
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe qu.edu.qa
Citat de
Citat de
An investigation into hybrid carbon/glass fiber reinforced epoxy composite automotive drive shaft
MA Badie, E Mahdi, AMS Hamouda
Materials & Design 32 (3), 1485-1500, 2011
Analysis of functionally graded rotating disks with variable thickness
M Bayat, M Saleem, BB Sahari, AMS Hamouda, E Mahdi
Mechanics Research Communications 35 (5), 283-309, 2008
Quasi-static axial and lateral crushing of radial corrugated composite tubes
EF Abdewi, S Sulaiman, AMS Hamouda, E Mahdi
Thin-Walled Structures 46 (3), 320-332, 2008
Developing a hybrid, carbon/glass fiber-reinforced, epoxy composite automotive drive shaft
AFG ARA Talib, A Ali, MA Badie, NAC Lah
Materials & Design 31 ((1),), 514-521, 2010
Effect of multi-wall carbon nanotubes on the mechanical properties of natural rubber
DRAB A Fakhru’l-Razi, MA Atieh, N Girun, TG Chuah, M El
Composite structures 75 (1), 496-500, 2006
Crushing response of composite corrugated tubes to quasi-static axial loading
AM Elgalai, E Mahdi, AMS Hamouda, BS Sahari
Composite Structures 66 (1-4), 665-671, 2004
Design for Sustainable Manufacturing: Approach, Implementation, and Assessment
HHES Hossam A. Kishawy
Sustainability 10 (10), 3604;, 2018
Mechanical and thermal stresses in a functionally graded rotating disk with variable thickness due to radially symmetry loads
M Bayat, M Saleem, BB Sahari, AMS Hamouda, E Mahdi
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 86 (6), 357-372, 2009
Electrochemical evaluation of the corrosion behavior of API-X100 pipeline steel in aerated bicarbonate solutions
ESMAA Faysal Fayez Eliyan
Corrosion Science 58, 181–191, 2012
Honeycomb phononic crystals with self-similar hierarchy
AV Davood Mousanezhad, Sahab Babaee, Ranajay Ghosh, Elsadig Mahdi, Katia ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 92, 104304 (2015), 2015
The Use of Fiber Reinforced Polymeric Composites in Pipelines: A Review
FFE Fatima Ghassan Alabtah, Elsadig Mahdi
Composite Structures, 2021
The effect of fiber orientation on the energy absorption capability of axially crushed composite tubes
E Mahdi, AMS Hamouda, TA Sebaey
Materials & Design (1980-2015) 56, 923-928, 2014
Erosion enhanced corrosion and corrosion enhanced erosion of API X-70 pipeline steel
MA Islam, ZN Farhat, EM Ahmed, AM Alfantazi
Wear 302 (1-2), 1592-1601, 2013
Effect of hybridisation on crushing behaviour of carbon/glass fibre/epoxy circular–cylindrical shells
E Mahdi, AMS Hamouda, BB Sahari, YA Khalid
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 132 (1-3), 49-57, 2003
A multi phase-field fracture model for long fiber reinforced composites based on the puck theory of failure
A Dean, PKAV Kumar, J Reinoso, C Gerendt, M Paggi, E Mahdi, R Rolfes
Composite Structures 251, 112446, 2020
Crushing behavior of laterally compressed composite elliptical tubes: experiments and predictions using artificial neural networks
ES Mahdi, H El Kadi
Composite Structures 83 (4), 399-412, 2008
A Naïve-Bayes classifier for damage detection in engineering materials
O Addin, SM Sapuan, E Mahdi, M Othman
Materials & design 28 (8), 2379-2386, 2007
A phase field approach for ductile fracture of short fibre reinforced composites
RR A Dean, J Reinoso, NK Jha, E Mahdi
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2020
Using thin-plies to improve the damage resistance and tolerance of aeronautical CFRP composites
TA Sebaey, E Mahdi
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 86, 31-38, 2016
Energy absorption capability of composite hexagonal ring systems
E Mahdi, AMS Hamouda
Materials & Design 34, 201-210, 2012
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