Kevin Shang
Kevin Shang
Fuqua School of Business, Duke University
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Cited by
Marketing on the Internet—who can benefit from an online marketing approach?
MY Kiang, TS Raghu, KHM Shang
Decision Support Systems 27 (4), 383-393, 2000
Impact of electricity pricing policies on renewable energy investments and carbon emissions
AG Kök, K Shang, Ş Yücel
Management Science 64 (1), 131-148, 2018
Inspection and replenishment policies for systems with inventory record inaccuracy
AG Kök, KH Shang
Manufacturing & service operations management 9 (2), 185-205, 2007
Newsvendor bounds and heuristic for optimal policies in serial supply chains
KH Shang, JS Song
Management Science 49 (5), 618-638, 2003
Evaluation of cycle-count policies for supply chains with inventory inaccuracy and implications on RFID investments
AG Kök, KH Shang
European Journal of Operational Research 237 (1), 91-105, 2014
Investments in renewable and conventional energy: The role of operational flexibility
AG Kök, K Shang, Ş Yücel
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 22 (5), 925-941, 2020
Optimal and heuristic echelon (r, nQ, T) policies in serial inventory systems with fixed costs
KH Shang, SX Zhou
Operations Research 58 (2), 414-427, 2010
Managing inventory for firms with trade credit and deficit penalty
W Luo, KH Shang
Operations Research 67 (2), 468-478, 2019
Joint inventory and cash management for multi-divisional supply chains
W Luo, K Shang
Operations Research, 2015
A simple heuristic for joint inventory and pricing models with lead time and backorders
F Bernstein, Y Li, K Shang
Management Science, 2015
Coordination mechanisms in decentralized serial inventory systems with batch ordering
KH Shang, JS Song, PH Zipkin
Management Science 55 (4), 685-695, 2009
A closed-form approximation for serial inventory systems and its application to system design
KH Shang, JS Song
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 8 (4), 394-406, 2006
Measuring the bullwhip effect: Discrepancy and alignment between information and material flows
L Chen, W Luo, K Shang
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 19 (1), 36-51, 2017
Improving supply chain performance: Real-time demand information and flexible deliveries
KH Shang, SX Zhou, GJ Van Houtum
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 12 (3), 430-448, 2010
Single-stage approximations for optimal policies in serial inventory systems with nonstationary demand
KH Shang
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 14 (3), 414-422, 2012
Optimizing reorder intervals for two-echelon distribution systems with stochastic demand
K Shang, S Tao, Z, Zhou
Operations Research, 2014
Serial supply chains with economies of scale: Bounds and approximations
KH Shang, JS Song
Operations research 55 (5), 843-853, 2007
Note: A simple heuristic for serial inventory systems with fixed order costs
KH Shang
Operations Research 56 (4), 1039-1043, 2008
Wait time–based pricing for queues with customer-chosen service times
CA Lin, K Shang, P Sun
Management Science 69 (4), 2127-2146, 2023
A simple heuristic for echelon (r, nQ, T) policies in serial supply chains
KH Shang, SX Zhou
Operations Research Letters 37 (6), 433-437, 2009
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Articles 1–20