Carlos Bernard Moreno Cerqueira-Silva
Carlos Bernard Moreno Cerqueira-Silva
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Genetic Breeding and Diversity of the Genus Passiflora: Progress and Perspectives in Molecular and Genetic Studies
CBM Cerqueira-Silva, ON Jesus, ESL Santos, RX Corrêa, AP Souza
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 15, 14122-14152, 2014
A history of passion fruit woodiness disease with emphasis on the current situation in Brazil and prospects for Brazilian passion fruit cultivation
CBM Cerqueira-Silva, L Conceição, AP Souza, RX Corrêa
European Journal of Plant Pathology 139 (2), 255-264, 2014
Genetic Diversity Strategy for the Management and Use of Rubber Genetic Resources: More than 1,000 Wild and Cultivated Accessions in a 100-Genotype Core Collection
PLOS ONE, 2015
Genetic diversity strategy for the management and use of rubber genetic resources: more than 1,000 wild and cultivated accessions in a 100-genotype core collection
LM Souza, V Le Guen, CBM Cerqueira-Silva, CC Silva, CC Mantello, ...
Plos One, 2015
The Genetic Diversity, Conservation, and Use of Passion Fruit (Passiflora spp.)
CBM Cerqueira-Silva, FG Faleiro, ON de Jesus, ESL dos Santos, ...
Genetic Diversity and Erosion in Plants 8, 215-231, 2015
New Microsatellite Markers for Wild and Commercial Species of Passiflora (Passifloraceae) and Cross-Amplification
APS Carlos B. M. Cerqueira-Silva , Elisa S. L. Santos
Applications in Plant Sciences 2 (2), 1-5, 2014
Characterization and selection of passion fruit (yellow and purple) accessions based on molecular markers and disease reactions for use in breeding programs
CBM Cerqueira-Silva, ON Jesus, EJ Oliveira, ESL Santos, AP Souza
Euphytica 199, 2014
Detection of a resistance gradient to Passion fruit woodiness virus and selection of ‘yellow’passion fruit plants under field conditions
CB Cerqueira-Silva, CN Moreira, AR Figueira, RX Corrêa, AC Oliveira
Genet Mol Res 7, 1209-1216, 2008
Development and characterization of microsatellite markers for the wild South American Passiflora cincinnata (Passifloraceae)
CBM Cerqueira-Silva, ESL Santos, AM Souza, GM Mori, EJ Oliveira, ...
American Journal of Botany 99 (4), e170-e172, 2012
Molecular Genetic Variability of Commercial and Wild Accessions of Passion Fruit (Passiflora spp.) Targeting ex Situ Conservation and Breeding
CBM Cerqueira-Silva, ESL Santos, ON Jesus, JGP Vieira, GM Mori, ...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 15 (12), 22933-22959, 2014
Confirmation of cross-fertilization using molecular markers in ornamental passion flower hybrids
L Conceição, GO Belo, MM Souza, SF Santos, CBM Cerqueira-Silva, ...
Genetics and Molecular Research 10 (1), 47-52, 2011
Identification of Passiflora spp. genotypes resistant to Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus and leaf anatomical response under controlled conditions
ZS Gonçalves, LKS Lima, TL Soares, EFM Abreu, C de Jesus Barbosa, ...
Scientia Horticulturae 231, 166-178, 2018
Genetic Structure and Molecular Diversity of Cacao Plants Established as Local Varieties for More than Two Centuries: The Genetic History of Cacao Plantations in Bahia, Brazil
ESL Santos, CBM Cerqueira-Silva, GM Mori, D Ahnert, DLN Mello, ...
Genetic dissimilarity of ‘yellow’and ‘sleep’passion fruit accessions based on the fruits physical-chemical characteristics
CBM Cerqueira-Silva, CB Cardoso-Silva, JVA Nonato, RX Corrêa, ...
Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology 9 (3), 210-218, 2009
Passion Fruit (Passiflora spp.) Breeding
CBM Cerqueira-Silva, FG Faleiro, ON de Jesus, ESL dos Santos, ...
Advances in Plant Breeding Strategies: Fruits, 929-951, 2018
Genetic variation in a wild population of the ‘sleep’passion fruit (Passiflora setacea) based on molecular markers
CBM Cerqueira-Silva, ESL Santos, L Conceição, CB Cardoso-Silva, ...
Genetics and Molecular Research 11 (1), 731-738, 2012
Genetic variability in wild genotypes of Passiflora cincinnata based on RAPD markers
CBM Cerqueira-Silva, L Conceição, ESL Santos, CB Cardoso-Silva, ...
Genetics and Molecular Research 9 (4), 2421-2428, 2010
Genetic diversity in wild species of passion fruit (Passiflora trintae) based on molecular markers
CBM Cerqueira-Silva, CB Cardoso-Silva, ESL Santos, L Conceição, ...
Genetics and Molecular Research 9 (4), 2123-2130, 2010
Comparison of coefficients and distance measurements in passion fruit plants based on molecular markers and physicochemical descriptors
CB Cerqueira-Silva, CB Cardoso-Silva, LD Conceicao, JV Nonato, ...
Genet. Mol. Res 8, 870-879, 2009
Caracterização e seleção de marcadores moleculares em Croton linearifolius Mull. Arg. como subsídio para estudos genéticos
TSS Silva, JS Freitas, ESL Santos, T dos Santos Cardoso, ...
Multi-Science Journal 1 (10), 4-8, 2017
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Articles 1–20