Marcos Fajardo
Marcos Fajardo
Solid Angle / Autodesk / Shiokara-Engawa Research
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Cited by
Estimating surface reflectance properties of a complex scene under captured natural illumination
P Debevec, C Tchou, A Gardner, T Hawkins, C Poullis, J Stumpfel, ...
Conditionally Accepted to ACM Transactions on Graphics 19, 2, 2004
Importance sampling techniques for path tracing in participating media
C Kulla, M Fajardo
Computer graphics forum 31 (4), 1519-1528, 2012
Arnold: A brute-force production path tracer
I Georgiev, T Ize, M Farnsworth, R Montoya-Vozmediano, A King, ...
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 37 (3), 1-12, 2018
The path tracing revolution in the movie industry
A Keller, L Fascione, M Fajardo, I Georgiev, P Christensen, J Hanika, ...
ACM SIGGRAPH 2015 Courses, 1-7, 2015
Blue-noise dithered sampling
I Georgiev, M Fajardo
ACM SIGGRAPH 2016 Talks, 1-1, 2016
State of the art in Monte Carlo ray tracing for realistic image synthesis
HW Jensen, J Arvo, M Fajardo, P Hanrahan, D Mitchel, D Pharr, P Shirley
ACM SIGGRAPH 2001 Course Notes 2, 2001
An area‐preserving parametrization for spherical rectangles
C Ureña, M Fajardo, A King
Computer Graphics Forum 32 (4), 59-66, 2013
Global illumination across industries
J Křivánek, M Fajardo, PH Christensen, E Tabellion, M Bunnell, ...
ACM SIGGRAPH Courses 2010 6, 2010
BSSRDF importance sampling
A King, C Kulla, A Conty, M Fajardo
ACM SIGGRAPH 2013 Talks, 1-1, 2013
Unlighting the parthenon
C Tchou, J Stumpfel, P Einarsson, M Fajardo, P Debevec
ACM Siggraph 2004 Sketches, 80, 2004
Area‐preserving parameterizations for spherical ellipses
I Guillén, C Ureña, A King, M Fajardo, I Georgiev, J López‐Moreno, ...
Computer Graphics Forum 36 (4), 179-187, 2017
Importance sampling of area lights in participating media
C Kulla, M Fajardo
ACM SIGGRAPH 2011 Talks, 1-1, 2011
Digitizing the parthenon: Estimating surface reflectance under measured natural illumination
P Debevec, C Tchou, A Gardner, T Hawkins, C Poullis, J Stumpfel, ...
Digital Imaging for Cultural Heritage Preservation, edited by StancoFilippo …, 2012
CANADA J.: Recent advances in light transport simulation: Some theory and a lot of practice
J Krivánek, A Keller, I Georgiev, A Kaplanyan, M Fajardo, M Meyer, ...
ACM SIGGRAPH, 17, 2014
Recent advances in light transport simulation: some theory and a lot of practice
J Křivánek, A Keller, I Georgiev, AS Kaplanyan, M Fajardo, M Meyer, ...
ACM SIGGRAPH 2014 Courses, 1-6, 2014
Design and implementation of modern production renderers
M Pharr, B Burley, P Christensen, M Fajardo, L Fascione, C Kulla
ACM SIGGRAPH 2018 Panels, 1-2, 2018
Stochastic Texture Filtering
M Fajardo, B Wronski, M Salvi, M Pharr
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.05810, 2023
SIGGRAPH 2017 Course Notes: Path tracing in production (Parts 1 and 2)
L Fascione, J Hanika, M Fajardo, P Christensen, B Burley, B Green, ...
SIGGRAPH Courses, 2017
Filtering After Shading With Stochastic Texture Filtering
M Pharr, B Wronski, M Salvi, M Fajardo
Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques 7 (1 …, 2024
Fast Procedural Noise By Monte Carlo Sampling
M Fajardo, M Pharr
EGSR (Industry Track), 2023
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Articles 1–20