Sérgio Haffner
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Cited by
Test systems and mathematical models for transmission network expansion planning
R Romero, A Monticelli, A Garcia, S Haffner
IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution 149 (1), 27-36, 2002
Multistage model for distribution expansion planning with distributed generation—Part I: Problem formulation
S Haffner, LFA Pereira, LA Pereira, LS Barreto
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 23 (2), 915-923, 2008
Branch and bound algorithm for transmission system expansion planning using a transportation model
S Haffner, A Monticelli, A Garcia, J Mantovani, R Romero
IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution 147 (3), 149-156, 2000
Multistage model for distribution expansion planning with distributed generation—Part II: Numerical results
S Haffner, LFA Pereira, LA Pereira, LS Barreto
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 23 (2), 924-929, 2008
Specialised branch-and-bound algorithm for transmission network expansion planning
S Haffner, A Monticelli, A Garcia, R Romero
IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution 148 (5), 482-488, 2001
Performance of a Five-Phase Induction Machine With Optimized Air Gap Field Under Open Loop / Control
CC Scharlau, LÍFA Pereira, LA Pereira, S Haffner
IEEE transactions on Energy conversion 23 (4), 1046-1056, 2008
Optimization techniques applied to planning of electric power distribution systems: a bibliographic survey
M Resener, S Haffner, LA Pereira, PM Pardalos
Energy Systems 9, 473-509, 2018
Multiobjective optimization of five-phase induction machines based on NSGA-II
LA Pereira, S Haffner, G Nicol, TF Dias
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (12), 9844-9853, 2017
Influence of saturation on the airgap induction waveform of five-phase induction machines
LA Pereira, CC Scharlau, LFA Pereira, S Haffner
IEEE Transactions on energy Conversion 27 (1), 29-41, 2011
Mixed-integer LP model for volt/var control and energy losses minimization in distribution systems
M Resener, S Haffner, LA Pereira, PM Pardalos
Electric Power Systems Research 140, 895-905, 2016
Handbook of optimization in electric power distribution systems
M Resener, S Rebennack, PM Pardalos, S Haffner
Springer, 2020
A comprehensive MILP model for the expansion planning of power distribution systems–Part I: Problem formulation
M Resener, S Haffner, LA Pereira, PM Pardalos, MJS Ramos
Electric Power Systems Research 170, 378-384, 2019
Expansion planning of power distribution systems considering reliability: A comprehensive review
GL Aschidamini, GA da Cruz, M Resener, MJS Ramos, LA Pereira, ...
Energies 15 (6), 2275, 2022
Alocação de bancos de capacitores em redes de distribuição de energia visando eliminar violações de tensão
S Haffner, LA Pereira, LV Gasperin, L Barreto
Sba: Controle & Automação Sociedade Brasileira de Automatica 20, 546-563, 2009
O Planejamento da Expansão dos Sistemas Elétricos no Contexto de um Ambiente Competitivo
SL Haffner
UNICAMP - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2000
Application of the welch, burg and MUSIC methods to the detection of rotor cage faults of induction motors
LA Pereira, D Fernandes, DS Gazzana, FB Libano, S Haffner
2006 IEEE/PES Transmission & Distribution Conference and Exposition: Latin …, 2006
Analysis and optimization of an inductive power transfer with a randomized method
R de Azambuja, VJ Brusamarello, S Haffner, RW Porto
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 63 (5), 1145-1152, 2014
MILP model for volt-var optimization considering chronological operation of distribution systems containing DERs
BP Ferraz, M Resener, LA Pereira, FAB Lemos, S Haffner
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 129, 106761, 2021
A comprehensive MILP model for the expansion planning of power distribution systems–Part II: Numerical results
M Resener, S Haffner, LA Pereira, PM Pardalos, MJS Ramos
Electric Power Systems Research 170, 317-325, 2019
Full four capacitor circuit compensation for inductive power transfer
R Azambuja, VJ Brusamarello, S Haffner, RW Porto
2013 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology …, 2013
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Articles 1–20