SAMUEL SEPÚLVEDA (ORCID: 0000-0002-0369-7750)
SAMUEL SEPÚLVEDA (ORCID: 0000-0002-0369-7750)
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Cited by
Cited by
Challenges to use machine learning in agricultural big data: a systematic literature review
A Cravero, S Pardo, S Sepúlveda, L Muñoz
Agronomy 12 (3), 748, 2022
Use and adaptations of machine learning in big data—Applications in real cases in agriculture
A Cravero, S Sepúlveda
Electronics 10 (5), 552, 2021
Requirements modeling languages for software product lines: A systematic literature review
S Sepúlveda, A Cravero, C Cachero
Information and Software Technology 69, 16-36, 2016
Towards a unified feature metamodel: A systematic comparison of feature languages
S Sepúlveda, C Cares, C Cachero
7th iberian conference on information systems and technologies (cisti 2012), 1-7, 2012
A chronological study of paradigms for data warehouse design
A Cravero, S Sepúlveda
Ingeniería e Investigación 32 (2), 58-62, 2012
Evaluating aspects of usability in video game-based programming learning platforms
J Díaz, JA Lopez, S Sepúlveda, GMR Villegas, D Ahumada, F Moreira
Procedia Computer Science 181, 247-254, 2021
Multidimensional design paradigms for data warehouses: a systematic mapping study
A Cravero, S Sepúlveda
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications 2014, 2013
Variability management in dynamic software product lines for self-adaptive systems—a systematic mapping
O Aguayo, S Sepúlveda
Applied Sciences 12 (20), 10240, 2022
UMAM-Q: An instrument to assess the intention to use software development methodologies
M Diéguez, S Sepúlveda, C Cachero
7th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI 2012), 1-6, 2012
Call for tenders challenges in practice: A field study
J Hochstetter, C Cachero, C Cares, S Sepúlveda
Proc. XV Congreso Iberoamericano en Software Engineering, Buenos Aires …, 2012
Feature modeling languages: Denotations and semantic differences
S Sepúlveda, C Cares, C Cachero
7th iberian conference on information systems and technologies (cisti 2012), 1-6, 2012
Methodologies, techniques and tools for OLAP design: A Systematic Mapping Study
A Cravero, S Sepulveda
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (2), 943-950, 2016
Aplicación de Minería de Datos para la Detección de Anomalías: Un Caso de Estudio.
A Cravero, S Sepúlveda
EIG, 2009
Goal oriented requirements engineering in data warehouses: A comparative study
A Cravero Leal, S Sepúlveda, A Mate, JN Mazón, J Trujillo
Ingeniería e investigación 34 (2), 66-70, 2014
Big Data Architectures for the Climate Change Analysis: A Systematic Mapping Study
A Cravero, S Sepúlveda, L Muñoz
IEEE Latin America Transactions 18 (10), 1793-1806, 2020
Alineamiento de Objetivos de la Organización: una Necesidad para el Análisis de Requisitos en Almacenes de Datos.
AC Leal, SS Cuevas, JN Mazón, JCT Mondéjar
CIbSE, 37-50, 2010
El Alineamiento de Objetivos de la Organización como Propuesta para el Análisis de Requisitos en Almacenes de Datos.
A Cravero, S Sepúlveda, J Trujillo, JN Mazón
EIG, 2009
Software Development and Tool Support for Curriculum Design: A Systematic Mapping Study
A Melillán, A Cravero, S Sepúlveda
Applied Sciences 13 (13), 7711, 2023
Agent-oriented engineering for cyber-physical systems
C Cares, S Sepúlveda, C Navarro
Information Technology and Systems: Proceedings of ICITS 2019, 93-102, 2019
FMxx: A proposal for the creation, management and review of feature models in software product lines
M Esperguel, S Sepúlveda, E Monsalve
2017 36th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society …, 2017
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Articles 1–20