J. Esteban Gayone
J. Esteban Gayone
CONICET. Centro Atómico Bariloche and Instituto Balseiro. CNEA. Argentina
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Strong spin-orbit splitting on Bi surfaces
YM Koroteev, G Bihlmayer, JE Gayone, EV Chulkov, S Blügel, ...
Physical review letters 93 (4), 046403, 2004
Self-assembly of alkanedithiols on Au (111) from solution: effect of chain length and self-assembly conditions
MAD Millone, H Hamoudi, L Rodríguez, A Rubert, GA Benítez, ME Vela, ...
Langmuir 25 (22), 12945-12953, 2009
Unexpected surface sensitivity at high energies in angle-resolved photoemission
P Hofmann, C Søndergaard, S Agergaard, SV Hoffmann, JE Gayone, ...
Physical Review B 66 (24), 245422, 2002
Electronic structure and Fermi surface of Bi (100)
P Hofmann, JE Gayone, G Bihlmayer, YM Koroteev, EV Chulkov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (19), 195413, 2005
Strong energy dependence of the electron-phonon coupling strength on Bi (100)
JE Gayone, SV Hoffmann, Z Li, P Hofmann
Physical review letters 91 (12), 127601, 2003
Evidence against a charge density wave on Bi (111)
TK Kim, J Wells, C Kirkegaard, Z Li, SV Hoffmann, JE Gayone, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (8), 085440, 2005
Fe and Mo valences in Sr2FeMoO6
MS Moreno, JE Gayone, M Abbate, A Caneiro, D Niebieskikwiat, ...
Solid state communications 120 (4), 161-164, 2001
Van der Waals interactions in the self-assembly of 5-amino [6] helicene on Cu (100) and Au (111)
H Ascolani, MW Van Der Meijden, LJ Cristina, JE Gayone, RM Kellogg, ...
Chemical Communications 50 (90), 13907-13909, 2014
Thiol terminated 1, 4-benzenedimethanethiol self-assembled monolayers on Au (111) and InP (110) from vapor phase
LS Alarcón, L Chen, VA Esaulov, JE Gayone, EA Sánchez, O Grizzi
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (47), 19993-19999, 2010
Determining the electron-phonon mass enhancement parameter λ on metal surfaces
JE Gayone, C Kirkegaard, JW Wells, SV Hoffmann, Z Li, P Hofmann
Applied Physics A 80, 943-949, 2005
Interplay between hydrogen bonding and molecule–substrate interactions in the case of terephthalic acid molecules on Cu (001) surfaces
JD Fuhr, A Carrera, N Murillo-Quirós, LJ Cristina, A Cossaro, A Verdini, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (3), 1287-1296, 2013
Topographic and crystallographic characterization of a grazing-ion-bombarded GaAs (110) surface by time-of-flight ion-scattering spectrometry
JE Gayone, RG Pregliasco, GR Gómez, EA Sánchez, O Grizzi
Physical Review B 56 (7), 4186, 1997
Growth of N,N′-Bis(1-ethylpropyl)perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxdiimide Films on Ag (111)
LN Serkovic Loli, H Hamoudi, JE Gayone, ML Martiarena, EA Sánchez, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (41), 17866-17875, 2009
Excitation of volume plasmons in glancing collisions of protons with Al (111) surfaces
EA Sanchez, JE Gayone, ML Martiarena, O Grizzi, RA Baragiola
Physical Review B 61 (20), 14209, 2000
Gas phase formation of dense alkanethiol layers on GaAs (110)
LM Rodríguez, JE Gayone, EA Sánchez, O Grizzi, B Blum, RC Salvarezza, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (25), 7807-7813, 2007
Synthesis, Properties, and Two‐Dimensional Adsorption Characteristics of 5‐Amino [6] hexahelicene
MW Van Der Meijden, E Gelens, NM Quirós, JD Fuhr, JE Gayone, ...
Chemistry–A European Journal 22 (4), 1484-1492, 2016
Formation of autoionizing Ne∗∗ in grazing collisions with an Al (111) surface
O Grizzi, EA Sánchez, JE Gayone, L Guillemot, VA Esaulov, RA Baragiola
Surface science 469 (1), 71-79, 2000
Room-temperature kinetics of short-chain alkanethiol film growth on Ag (111) from the vapor phase
LM Rodríguez, JE Gayone, EA Sánchez, O Grizzi, B Blum, RC Salvarezza
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 (14), 7095-7097, 2006
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared Reflection− Absorption Spectroscopy, and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Thiourea Adsorption from Aqueous …
V Brunetti, B Blum, RC Salvarezza, AJ Arvia, PL Schilardi, A Cuesta, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 106 (38), 9831-9838, 2002
Strongly frustrated magnetism and colossal magnetoresistance in polycrystalline La 0.47 Ce 0.20 Ca 0.33 MnO 3
G Alejandro, DG Lamas, LB Steren, JE Gayone, G Zampieri, A Caneiro, ...
Physical Review B 67 (6), 064424, 2003
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Articles 1–20