Elena Crinela Holom
Elena Crinela Holom
Senior researcher, Babeș-Bolyai University, Centre for Population Studies
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe ubbcluj.ro
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Citat de
Beyond the Visible Pattern: Historical Particularities, Development, and Age at First Marriage in Transylvania, 1850–1914
EC Holom, O Sorescu-Iudean, M Hărăguș
The History of the Family, 2018
Legislația ecleziastică și laică privind familia românească din Transilvania în a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea
I Bolovan
Ed. Academy Română, Centrul de Studii Transilvane, 2009
Socioeconomic and Marital-Status Inequalities in Longevity: Adult Mortality in Transylvania, 1850–1914
EC Holom, M Hărăguș, I Bolovan
Journal of Interdisciplinary History 51 (4), 533–564, 2021
Historical Population Database of Transylvania. A Database Manual
I Bolovan, B Crăciun, D Covaci, L Dumănescu, EC Holom, D Mârza, ...
Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Digitalia 64, 9-84, 2019
Historical Population Database of Transylvania: Methodology Employed in the Selection of Settlements and Micro Zones of Interest.
B Crăciun, EC Holom, V Popovici
Romanian Journal of Population Studies 9 (2), 2015
Ethnicity and Politics: Censuses in the Austro-Hungarian Empire (Case Study: Transylvania, 1869-1910)
I Bolovan, EC Holom, M Eppel
Romanian Journal of Population Studies 10 (2), 137-152, 2016
Ciclul vieții familiale la românii din Transilvania în a doua jumătate a sec. al XIX-lea și începutul sec. XX
I Bolovan, D Covaci, D Deteșan, M Eppel, EC Holom
Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2009
Realități demografice în parohia greco-catolică Urca (jud. Cluj) în a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea
CE Holom
Transilvania în secolele XIX–XX. Studii de demografie istorică, 2005
Individ, familie, comunitate. Comportament demografic, relații familiale interetnice și interconfesionale în satele din trecutul Albei (1850-1910)
EC Holom
Editura Mega, 2009
Characteristics of the Romanian household in Transylvania between the second half of the 19th Century and the first quarter of the 20
CE Holom
Romanian Journal of Population Studies 8 (1), 88-116, 2014
Evoluția demografica și problema familiei în actualul județ Alba:(1850-1910)
EC Holom
Laic Laws Governing the Romanian Families in Transylvania in the Second Half of the 19th Century
D Covaci, D Detesan, CE Holom
Families in Europe Between the 19th and 21st Centuries. From the Traditional …, 2009
Quantitative Perspective on Violent Deaths in Transylvania between the Mid-19th Century and the End of the First World War Tentative Findings.
EC Holom, N Hegedûs, I Bolovan
Transylvanian Review 30 (1), 2021
“Recovering the Wounds of War”: Transylvanian Soldiers and their Families during and After the First World War
CE Holom
Transylvanian Review 29 (1), 18-31, 2020
Bells as a marker of identity: A model of collective sensibility in the modern and contemporary Romanian rural world
EC Holom
Transylvanian Review 17 (2), 81-92, 2008
Mariajul în satul românesc transilvănean din protopopiatul greco-catolic al Câțcăului în a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea. Studiu de caz: Impedimente la căsătorie”, în …
EC Holom
Pădurean, Corneliu; Bolovan, Ioan, 2005
"Children of the Nation". An Overview of Aid and Benefits Paid to WWI Orphans as Reflected in Data from the Official Gazette of the Kingdom of Romania (1918-1939)
EC Holom
Romanian Journal of Population Studies 15 (2), 115-138, 2021
Romanian Families and Households in Northeastern Transylvania: Early 20th Century
CE Holom
Transylvanian Review 25 (04), 91-102, 2016
Patriarchal relationships in Romanian rural communities in Transylvania (Second Half of the 19th century-Early 20th century)
CE Holom
Romanian Journal of Population Studies 10 (1), 37-57, 2016
Households and Families in a Romanian Village from Transylvania during the Second Half of the 19th Century
EC Holom
Südost-Forschungen 74, 26-43, 2015
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