Sorin Herban
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Cited by
Current practices in UAS-based environmental monitoring
G Tmušić, S Manfreda, H Aasen, MR James, G Gonēalves, E Ben-Dor, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (6), 1001, 2020
Assessing the accuracy of digital surface models derived from optical imagery acquired with unmanned aerial systems
S Manfreda, P Dvorak, J Mullerova, S Herban, P Vuono, JJ Arranz Justel, ...
Drones 3 (1), 15, 2019
Use of low-cost spherical cameras for the digitisation of cultural heritage structures into 3d point clouds
S Herban, D Costantino, VS Alfio, M Pepe
Journal of Imaging 8 (1), 13, 2022
WebGIS solution for urban planning strategies
C Grecea, S Herban, CB Vilceanu
Procedia engineering 161, 1625-1630, 2016
Rapid and accurate production of 3d point cloud via latest-generation sensors in the field of cultural heritage: a comparison between slam and spherical videogrammetry
M Pepe, VS Alfio, D Costantino, S Herban
Heritage 5 (3), 1910-1928, 2022
Using a Geographic Information System (GIS) to model, manage and develop urban data of the Timisoara city
IS Herban, C Grecea, CC Musat
Journal of environmental protection and ecology 13 (3), 1616-1624, 2012
Creating 3D models of heritage objects using photogrammetric image processing
CB Vı̂lceanu, IS Herban, C Grecea
AIP Conference Proceedings 1558 (1), 1599-1602, 2013
From 3D Point Cloud to an Intelligent Model Set for Cultural Heritage Conservation
A Crisan, M Pepe, D Costantino, S Herban
Heritage 7 (3), 1419-1437, 2024
Using the laser scanning for research and conservation of cultural heritage sites. Case study: Ulmetum Citadel
SI Herban, G Rusu, O Grecea, GA Birla
Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 15 (3), 1172-1180, 2014
Cadastral requirements for urban administration, key component for an efficient town planning
C Grecea, AC Bala, S Herban
Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 14 (1), 363-371, 2013
Road-Structure monitoring with Modern geodetic technologies
I Sorin Herban, CB Vīlceanu, C Grecea
Journal of surveying engineering 143 (4), 05017004, 2017
Development of urban green space monitoring technique with remote sensing and its application
C Gradinaru, IS Herban, C Gabor
AIP Conference Proceedings 1738 (1), 2016
Terrestrial laser scanning used for 3D modeling
I Herban, CB Vīlceanu
12th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, 2012
Managing spatial data regarding the Romanian road network using GIS technology
IS Herban, C Grecea, L Dimen
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM 2, 1095, 2012
Accuracy assessment on unmanned aerial system derived digital surface models
S Manfreda, P Dvorak, J Mullerova, S Herban, P Vuono, JJA Justel, ...
Preprints, 2018
Phonic pollution and strategic acoustic mapping with geographic information systems
C Grecea, AM Moscovici
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 13 (9), 2229-2232, 2014
Spatial data geoportal for Local Administration–smart solution for a secure and valuable cultural heritage
C Vilceanu, C Grecea, S Herban
Journal of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre 7 (1), 12-18, 2017
3D models for a sustainable development of cultural heritage
B Vilceanu, S Herban, O Grecea
Eng. Sust. DevIntl UAB–B 2, 157-160, 2015
Geoinformation system for interdisciplinary planning of landslides areas
CC Musat, SI Herban
Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on Sustainability in …, 2009
3D model tools for architecture and archaeology reconstruction
I Vlad, IS Herban, M Stoian, CB Vilceanu
AIP Conference Proceedings 1738 (1), 2016
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Articles 1–20