Philipp Gschwandtner
Cited by
Cited by
A taxonomy of task-based parallel programming technologies for high-performance computing
P Thoman, K Dichev, T Heller, R Iakymchuk, X Aguilar, K Hasanov, ...
The Journal of Supercomputing, 1-13, 2018
A multi-objective auto-tuning framework for parallel codes
H Jordan, P Thoman, JJ Durillo, S Pellegrini, P Gschwandtner, ...
SC'12: Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance …, 2012
Performance Analysis and Benchmarking of the Intel SCC
P Gschwandtner, T Fahringer, R Prodan
Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 2011 IEEE International Conference on, 139-149, 2011
Multi-objective auto-tuning with insieme: Optimization and trade-off analysis for time, energy and resource usage
P Gschwandtner, JJ Durillo, T Fahringer
Euro-Par 2014 Parallel Processing: 20th International Conference, Porto …, 2014
Modeling CPU Energy Consumption of HPC Applications on the IBM POWER7
P Gschwandtner, M Knobloch, B Mohr, D Pleiter, T Fahringer
Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP) 2014, 2014
Energy Prediction of OpenMP Applications using Random Forest Modeling Approach
S Benedict, RS Rejitha, P Gschwandtner, R Prodan, T Fahringer
The Tenth International Workshop on Automatic Performance Tuning (iWAPT 2015), 2015
On the Potential of Significance-Driven Execution for Energy-Aware HPC
P Gschwandtner, C Chalios, DS Nikolopoulos, H Vandierendonck, ...
EnA-HPC 2014, 2014
On the Quality of Implementation of the C++11 Thread Support Library
P Thoman, P Gschwandtner, T Fahringer
23rd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network …, 2015
An Asynchronous Dataflow-Driven Execution Model For Distributed Accelerator Computing
P Salzmann, F Knorr, P Thoman, P Gschwandtner, B Cosenza, ...
CCGrid, 2023
Multi-Objective Region-Aware Optimization of Parallel Programs
JJ Durillo, P Gschwandtner, K Kofler, T Fahringer
Parallel Computing, 2019
The AllScale Runtime Application Model
H Jordan, T Heller, P Gschwandtner, P Zangerl, P Thoman, D Fey, ...
Cluster, 2018
Low-latency collectives for the intel scc
A Kohler, M Radetzki, P Gschwandtner, T Fahringer
2012 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, 346-354, 2012
Why Is This Web Page Coming Up so Slow? Investigating the Loss of SYN Packets: (Work in Progress)
D Damjanovic, P Gschwandtner, M Welzl
NETWORKING 2009: 8th International IFIP-TC 6 Networking Conference, Aachen …, 2009
State-of-the-art and trends for computing and interconnect network solutions for HPC and AI
A Tekin, A Tuncer Durak, C Piechurski, D Kaliszan, F Aylin Sungur, ...
Technical report, PRACE, 2021, 38 pp. https://prace-ri. eu/wp-content …, 2021
AllScale toolchain pilot applications: PDE based solvers using a parallel development environment
F O'Donncha, R Iakymchuk, A Akhriev, P Gschwandtner, P Thoman, ...
Computer Physics Communications, 2020
Multi-GPU Room Response Simulation with Hardware Raytracing and Domain-specific Compression
P Thoman, M Wippler, R Hranitzky, P Gschwandtner, T Fahringer
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2021
Exploring the Semantic Gap in Compiling Embedded DSLs
P Zangerl, H Jordan, P Thoman, P Gschwandtner, T Fahringer
SAMOS, 2018
A Region-Aware Multi-Objective Auto-Tuner for Parallel Programs
K Kofler, JJ Durillo, P Gschwandtner, T Fahringer
A Taxonomy of Task-Based Technologies for High-Performance Computing
P Thoman, K Hasanov, K Dichev, R Iakymchuk, X Aguilar, ...
7th Workshop on Language Based Parallel Programming (WLPP) 2017, 1-10, 2017
Tunable and portable extreme-scale drug discovery platform at exascale: the lIGATE approach
G Palermo, G Accordi, D Gadioli, E Vitali, C Silvano, B Guindani, ...
Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers …, 2023
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Articles 1–20