Kannan Pasupathikovil Ramaiyan
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Cited by
Polymer electrolyte fuel cells using Nafion‐based composite membranes with functionalized carbon nanotubes
R Kannan, BA Kakade, VK Pillai
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 47 (14), 2653-2656, 2008
Chemically stable proton conducting doped BaCeO3-no more fear to SOFC wastes
R Kannan, K Singh, S Gill, T Fürstenhaupt, V Thangadurai
Scientific reports 3 (1), 1-5, 2013
Domain size manipulation of perflouorinated polymer electrolytes by sulfonic acid-functionalized MWCNTs to enhance fuel cell performance
R Kannan, M Parthasarathy, SU Maraveedu, S Kurungot, VK Pillai
Langmuir 25 (14), 8299-8305, 2009
Improved performance of phosphonated carbon nanotube–polybenzimidazole composite membranes in proton exchange membrane fuel cells
R Kannan, HN Kagalwala, HD Chaudhari, UK Kharul, S Kurungot, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry 21 (20), 7223-7231, 2011
Artificially Designed Membranes Using Phosphonated Multiwall Carbon Nanotube− Polybenzimidazole Composites for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells
R Kannan, PP Aher, T Palaniselvam, S Kurungot, UK Kharul, VK Pillai
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 1 (14), 2109-2113, 2010
Design of an “all solid-state” supercapacitor based on phosphoric acid doped polybenzimidazole (PBI) electrolyte
D Rathod, M Vijay, N Islam, R Kannan, U Kharul, S Kurungot, V Pillai
Journal of applied electrochemistry 39 (7), 1097-1103, 2009
Facile construction of non-precious iron nitride-doped carbon nanofibers as cathode electrocatalysts for proton exchange membrane fuel cells
T Palaniselvam, R Kannan, S Kurungot
Chemical Communications 47 (10), 2910-2912, 2011
Perspective of perovskite-type oxides for proton conducting solid oxide fuel cells
K Singh, R Kannan, V Thangadurai
Solid State Ionics 339, 114951, 2019
Synthesis of platinum Y-junction nanostructures using hierarchically designed alumina templates and their enhanced electrocatalytic activity for fuel-cell applications
S Mahima, R Kannan, I Komath, M Aslam, VK Pillai
Chemistry of Materials 20 (3), 601-603, 2007
Editors' Choice—Review—Recent Advances in Mixed Potential Sensors
PR Kannan, M Rangachary
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 167, 2020
Comparative study of the shape-dependent electrocatalytic activity of platinum multipods, discs, and hexagons: applications for fuel cells
M Subhramannia, K Ramaiyan, VK Pillai
Langmuir 24 (7), 3576-3583, 2008
BaCe0. 85-xZrxSm0. 15O3-δ (0.01< x< 0.3)(BCZS): effect of Zr content in BCZS on chemical stability in CO2 and H2O vapor, and proton conductivity
R Kannan, S Gill, N Maffei, V Thangadurai
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 160 (1), F18, 2012
A Review of Zirconia Oxygen, NOx, and Mixed Potential Gas Sensors-History and Current Trends
S Halley, KP Ramaiyan, L Tsui, F Garzon
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 132363, 2022
Using sensor arrays to decode NOx/NH3/C3H8 gas mixtures for automotive exhaust monitoring
U Javed, KP Ramaiyan, CR Kreller, EL Brosha, R Mukundan, AV Morozov
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 264, 110-118, 2018
Porous Co3O4 nanorods as superior electrode material for supercapacitors and rechargeable Li-ion batteries
S Vijayanand, R Kannan, HS Potdar, VK Pillai, PA Joy
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 43 (10), 995-1003, 2013
Enhanced electrocatalytic performance of functionalized carbon nanotube electrodes for oxygen reduction in proton exchange membrane fuel cells
R Kannan, U Bipinlal, S Kurungot, VK Pillai
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (21), 10312-10317, 2011
Roads Less Traveled: Nitrogen Reduction Reaction (NRR) Catalyst Design Strategies for Improved Selectivity
BM Ceballos, G Pilania, KP Ramaiyan, A Banerjee, C Kreller, ...
Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 100723, 2021
Response Characteristics of a Stable Mixed Potential Ammonia Sensor in Simulated Diesel Exhaust
KP Ramaiyan, JA Pihl, CR Kreller, VY Prikhodko, S Curran, JE Parks, ...
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 164 (9), B448-B455, 2017
Charge transport in functionalized multi-wall carbon nanotube-Nafion composite
CS Suchand Sangeeth, R Kannan, VK Pillai, R Menon
Journal of Applied Physics 112 (5), 053706, 2012
Electrochemical Sensors for Air Quality Monitoring
KP Ramaiyan, R Mukundan
The Electrochemical Society Interface 28 (3), 59-63, 2019
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Articles 1–20