Tomaľ Deľelan, Prof.
Tomaľ Deľelan, Prof.
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe fdv.uni-lj.si - Pagina de pornire
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Citat de
This time it’s different? Effects of the Eurovision Debate on young citizens and its consequence for EU democracy–evidence from a quasi-experiment in 24 countries
J Maier, T Faas, B Rittberger, J Fortin-Rittberger, KA Josifides, S Banducci, ...
Journal of European Public Policy 25 (4), 606-629, 2018
First-job educational and skill match: an empirical investigation of political science graduates in Slovenia
T Deľelan, D Fink Hafner, M Melink
International journal of manpower 35 (4), 553-575, 2014
Young people and democratic life in Europe: what next after the 2014 European elections?
T Deľelan
European Youth Forum, 2015
Capacity of Local Development Planning in Slovenia: Strengths and Weaknesses of Local Sustainable Development Strategies.
T Deľelan, A Maksuti, M Urąič
Lex Localis-Journal of Local Self-Government 12 (3), 2014
Drľavljanstvo brez meja?
T Deľelan, D Fink-Hafner, M Hafner-Fink, S Uhan
Fakulteta za druľbene vede, 2007
Slovenian election posters as a medium of political communication: An informative or persuasive campaign tool?
T Deľelan, A Maksuti
Communication, Politics & Culture 45, 2012
In the name of the nation or/and Europe? Determinants of the Slovenian citizenship regime
T Deľelan
Citizenship studies 16 (3-4), 413-429, 2012
Mladina 2020
M Lavrič, T Deľelan, R Klanjąek, D Lahe, A Naterer, M Radovan, T Rutar, ...
Poloľaj mladih v Sloveniji. Maribor: Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna …, 2021
D Fink-Hafner, T Deľelan
Routledge Handbook of European Elections, 471-490, 2015
Citizenship in Slovenia: the regime of a nationalising or a Europeanising state?
T Dezelan
CITSEE Working Paper 2011/16, 2011
Talents and distributive justice: some tensions
M Sardoč, T Deľelan
Talents and Distributive Justice, 3-11, 2022
What determines enterprises’ perceptions of future development in higher education–Strange bedfellows?
T Deľelan, J Laker, S Pavlin
European Journal of Education 51 (1), 107-125, 2016
Nevarnost sistemske korupcije v Sloveniji: spodbude in ovire
A Kraąovec, L Johannsen, KH Pedersen, T Deľelan
Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo 65 (3), 207-20, 2014
Slovenian election posters as a medium of political communication: An informative or persuasive campaign tool?
T Dezelan, A Maksuti
Communication, Politics & Culture 45 (1), 140-159, 2012
Volilna kampanja po slovensko
T Deľelan, A Kraąovec, M Kovačič
Politične vsebine in volilna kampanja, 53-70, 2010
Relevantnost tradicij drľavljanstva
T Deľelan
Fakulteta za druľbene vede, Zaloľba FDV, 2009
Who Leads the Twitter Tango? Studying the journalist–politician relationship in Slovenia through Twitter conversations
I Vobič, A Maksuti, T Deľelan
Digital Journalism 5 (9), 1134-1154, 2017
The open method of coordination in the global context of policy cooperation
D Fink-Hafner, D Lajh, T Deľelan
Book series Javne politike 1, 17-34, 2010
Drľavljan V Razmerju Do Drľave: Ureditve in Razprave Skozi Cas
T Deľelan
Ljubljana, 2020
Does Europeanisation matter? The Case of Slovenian Political Party Electoral Campaign for the European Union
T Deľelan
Politics in Central Europe 3 (1+ 2), 11-25, 2007
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