Daniela Gogoase Nistoran, Assoc. Prof., PhD,
Daniela Gogoase Nistoran, Assoc. Prof., PhD,
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Flow and sediment dynamics in the vegetated secondary channels of an anabranching river: the Loire River (France)
S Rodrigues, JG Bréhéret, JJ Macaire, F Moatar, D Nistoran, P Jugé
Sedimentary Geology 186 (1-2), 89-109, 2006
Morpho-dynamic evolution patterns of subcarpathian Prahova River (Romania)
I Armaș, DEG Nistoran, G Osaci-Costache, L Brașoveanu
Catena 100, 83-99, 2013
Step‐by‐step augmented reality in power engineering education
I Opriș, S Costinaș, CS Ionescu, DE Gogoașe Nistoran
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 26 (5), 1590-1602, 2018
Challenges and opportunities to overcome the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on power engineering education
I Opriș, CS Ionescu, S Costinaș, DEG Nistoran
TEM Journal 9 (4), 1687-1691, 2020
Influence of reservoir shape upon the choice of Hydraulic vs. Hydrologic reservoir routing method
CS Ionescu, DEG Nistoran
E3S Web of Conferences 85, 07001, 2019
One dimensional sediment transport model to assess channel changes along Oltenița-Călărași reach of Danube River, Romania
Ș Gogoase Nistoran, D.E., Ionescu, C.S., Pătru, G., Armaș, I., Grigorie Omrani
Energy Procedia 112 (3), 67-74, 2017
GIS for Dam-Break Flooding. Study Area: Bicaz-Izvorul Muntelui (Romania)
DE Gogoașe Nistoran, DA Gheorghe Popovici, BAC Savin, I Armaș
Space and Time Visualisation, 253-280, 2016
Towards augmented reality in power engineering
I Opriș, S Costinaș, CS Ionescu, DEG Nistoran
2017 10th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical …, 2017
Rethinking power engineering education for Generation Z
I Opriș, CSI Daniela Elena Nistoran Gogoașe, Sorina Costinaș
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 29 (1), 287-305, 2021
Modeling Hydrodynamic Changes Induced by Run-of-River Hydropower Plants along the Prahova River in Romania
DE Gogoase Nistoran, CS Ionescu, L Brasoveanu, I Armas, I Opris, ...
Journal of Energy Engineering (ASCE) 144 (2), pag. 1-11, 2018
Hybrid Socio-Technical & Economic Interaction Networks Application: the Theoretical Cost of Penalties for Non-Delivery of Power Energy.
S Costinaș, I Opriș, DEG Nistoran, I Triștiu, CS Ionescu
TEM Journal 7 (1), 2018
The household energy consumer in a smart metering environment
I Opriș, S Costinaș, C Ionescu, D Nistoran
2015 9th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical …, 2015
Experimental analysis of a fish guidance system for a river water intake
G Cîrciumaru, RA Chihaia, A Voina, DE Gogoașe Nistoran, ...
Water 14 (3), 370, 2022
Inundation maps for extreme flood events at the mouth of the Danube River
DEN Gogoase, I Armas, CS Ionescu
International Journal of Geosciences 2 (1), 68, 2011
A simple method to assess theoretical hydropower potential of a river
DEG Nistoran, D Abdelal, CS Ionescu, I Opriș, S Costinaș
2017 10th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical …, 2017
Experimental investigations and numerical simulations for an open channel flow of a weak elastic polymer solution around a T-profile
C Balan, V Legat, A Neagoe, D Nistoran
Experiments in fluids 36, 408-418, 2004
Experiencing Augmented Reality in Power Engineering Education
I Opriș, S Costinaș, CS Ionescu, DE Gogoașe Nistoran
The XIth Intl. Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering, March …, 2019
Exploring Engineering Students’ Perception on using Augmented Reality to Improve Learning Performance in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic
I Opriș, CS Ionescu, S Costinaș, DE Gogoașe-Nistoran
TEM Journal 11 (2), 605-610, 2022
Sensitivity analysis of Sharp-Crested Weirs as a function of shape opening, for small discharges
CS Ionescu, DEG Nistoran, I Opriș, ȘM Simionescu
Hidraulica 2, 43-51, 2019
Multi-criteria approach for maintenance management in HV substations
S Costinas, CS Ionescu, I Opris, D Nistoran, GN Sava
2015 Intl Aegean Conference on Electrical Machines & Power Electronics …, 2015
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