Jan Pierskalla
Cited by
Cited by
Technology and collective action: The effect of cell phone coverage on political violence in Africa
JH Pierskalla, FM Hollenbach
American Political Science Review 107 (2), 207-224, 2013
Protest, deterrence, and escalation: The strategic calculus of government repression
JH Pierskalla
Journal of Conflict Resolution 54 (1), 117-145, 2010
Bureaucracy in the Developing World
A Sacks, TB Pepinsky, J Pierskalla
Annual Review of Political Science 20 (1), 2016
Civil war violence and political trust: Microlevel evidence from Nepal
A De Juan, JH Pierskalla
Conflict Management and Peace Science 33 (1), 67-88, 2016
The Pacifying Effects of Local Religious Institutions An Analysis of Communal Violence in Indonesia
A De Juan, JH Pierskalla, J Vüllers
Political Research Quarterly, 1065912915578460, 2015
The Promise of Performance Pay? Reasons for Caution in Policy Prescriptions in the Core Civil Service
Z Hasnain, N Manning, JH Pierskalla
The World Bank Research Observer, lku001, 2014
Does discrimination breed grievances—and do grievances breed violence? New evidence from an analysis of religious minorities in developing countries
M Basedau, J Fox, JH Pierskalla, G Strüver, J Vüllers
Conflict Management and Peace Science 34 (3), 217-239, 2017
Government Fragmentation and Public Goods Provision”
G Grossman, JH Pierskalla, EB Dean
Splitting the Difference? The Politics of District Creation in Indonesia
JH Pierskalla
Comparative Politics 48 (2), 249-268, 2016
Personnel Politics: Elections, Clientelistic Competition and Teacher Hiring in Indonesia
JH Pierskalla, A Sacks
British Journal of Political Science 50 (4), 1283-1305, 2020
Incumbency advantage and candidate characteristics in open-list proportional representation systems: Evidence from Indonesia
S Dettman, TB Pepinsky, JH Pierskalla
Electoral Studies 48, 111-120, 2017
Natural disasters, aid distribution, and social conflict–Micro-level evidence from the 2015 earthquake in Nepal
A De Juan, J Pierskalla, E Schwarz
World Development 126, 104715, 2020
How ethnicity conditions the effect of oil and gas on civil conflict: A spatial analysis of Africa from 1990 to 2010
M Basedau, JH Pierskalla
Political Geography 38, 1-11, 2014
Unpacking the Effect of Decentralized Governance on Routine Violence: Lessons from Indonesia
JH Pierskalla, A Sacks
World Development 90, 213-228, 2017
The Comparative Politics of Colonialism and Its Legacies: An Introduction
A De Juan, JH Pierskalla
Politics & Society 45 (2), 159-172, 2017
Indigenous identity, natural resources, and contentious politics in Bolivia: a disaggregated conflict analysis, 2000-2011
A Mähler, JH Pierskalla
Comparative Political Studies 48 (3), 301-332, 2015
Unpaved Road Ahead: The Consequences of Election Cycles for Capital Expenditures
JH Pierskalla, A Sacks
The Journal of Politics 80 (2), 510-524, 2018
Democratization and Representative Bureaucracy: An Analysis of Promotion Patterns in Indonesia's Civil Service, 1980–2015
JH Pierskalla, A Lauretig, AS Rosenberg, A Sacks
American Journal of Political Science 65 (2), 261-277, 2021
The politics of urban bias: Rural threats and the dual dilemma of political survival
JH Pierskalla
Studies in Comparative International Development 51, 286-307, 2016
The Effects of Oil Production and Ethnic Representation on Violent Conflict in Nigeria: A Mixed-Methods Approach
C Koos, J Pierskalla
Terrorism and Political Violence, 1-24, 2015
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Articles 1–20