Vasile Dinu
Vasile Dinu
Bucharest University of Economic Studies; Academy of Romanian Scientists
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe com.ase.ro
Citat de
Citat de
How sustainability oriented is Generation Z in retail? A literature review.
DC Dabija, BM Bejan, V Dinu
Transformations in Business & Economics 18 (2), 2019
Job insecurity, job instability, and job satisfaction in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
MS Nemteanu, V Dinu, DC Dabija
Journal of Competitiveness, 2021
Responsible commercial activity of SMEs and specific values of sustainable development in terms of the European excellence model
M Olaru, V Dinu, G Stoleriu, D Șandru, V Dincă
Amfiteatru Economic, 2010
Green purchase behavior of university students in Hungary: An empirical study
F Naz, J Oláh, D Vasile, R Magda
Sustainability 12 (23), 10077, 2020
Predicting job satisfaction and work engagement behavior in the COVID-19 pandemic: a conservation of resources theory approach
MS Nemțeanu, V Dinu, RA Pop, DC Dabija
Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2022
Cross-Generational Analysis of Information Searching based on Social Media in Romania
DC Dabija, R Babut, V Dinu, MI Lugojan
Transformation in Business & Economics 16 (2(41)), 248-270, 2017
Stakeholders’ perception of sustainability orientation within a major Romanian University
DC Dabija, C Postelnicu, V Dinu, A Mihaila
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 18 (4), 533 - 553, 2017
Usage intentions, attitudes, and behaviors towards energy-efficient applications during the COVID-19 pandemic
RA Pop, DC Dabija, C Pelău, V Dinu
Journal of Business Economics and Management 23 (3), 668–689-668–689, 2022
Circular economy and innovative entrepreneurship, prerequisites for social progress
DI Manea, N Istudor, V Dinu, DM Paraschiv
Journal of Business Economics and Management 22 (5), 1342–1359-1342–1359, 2021
Attitude of Romanian consumers related to products’ ecological labelling
V Dinu, I Schileru, A Atanase
Amfiteatru Economic 14 (31), 5-6, 2012
Economic deglobalization–from hypothesis to reality
C Postelnicu, V Dinu, DC Dabija
E + M Ekonomie a Management 18 (2), 4-14, 2015
Corporate social responsibility–opportunity for reconciliation between economical interests and social and environmental interests
V Dinu
Amfiteatru Economic Journal 13 (29), 6-7, 2011
Cross-Generational Analysis of Ethics and Sustainability. Insights from Romanian Retailing
DC Dabija, C Postelnicu, V Dinu
Sitnikov, C. (Ed.), Competitiveness and Stability in the Knowledge-Based …, 2016
Commercial activity and the sustainable development
V Dinu
The Amfiteatru Economic Journal 12 (27), 5-7, 2010
The ethical dimension of business
V Dinu
The AMFITEATRU ECONOMIC journal 10 (23), 1-5, 2008
A concepe, a redacta și a publica un articol științific. O abordare în contextul cercetării economice
V Dinu, G Savoiu, DC Dabija
Editura ASE Bucureti, 2016
Study on the open innovation practices in Romanian SMEs
M Olaru, V Dinu, T Keppler, B Mocan, A Mateiu
Amfiteatru Economic Journal 17 (Special No. 9), 1129-1141, 2015
The relationship between the audit committee and the financial performance, the asset quality and the solvency of banks in Romania
V Dinu, M Nedelcu
Transformations in Business & Economics 14 (2), 35, 2015
Romania foreign trade in global recession, revealed by the extended method of exchange rate indicators
G Săvoiu, V Dinu, L Tăchiciu
Amfiteatru economic Journal 14 (31), 173-194, 2012
A concepe, a redacta și a publica un articol științific. O abordare în contextul cercetării economice
V Dinu, G Săvoiu, DC Dabija
Revista de Management și Inginerie Economică 16 (2), 2017
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