Simone Silvetti
Cited by
Cited by
A robust genetic algorithm for learning temporal specifications from data
L Nenzi, S Silvetti, E Bartocci, L Bortolussi
Quantitative Evaluation of Systems: 15th International Conference, QEST 2018 …, 2018
Bayesian statistical parameter synthesis for linear temporal properties of stochastic models
L Bortolussi, S Silvetti
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 24th …, 2018
An active learning approach to the falsification of black box cyber-physical systems
S Silvetti, A Policriti, L Bortolussi
Integrated Formal Methods: 13th International Conference, IFM 2017, Turin …, 2017
Moonlight: A lightweight tool for monitoring spatio-temporal properties
E Bartocci, L Bortolussi, M Loreti, L Nenzi, S Silvetti
International Conference on Runtime Verification, 417-428, 2020
Signal convolution logic
S Silvetti, L Nenzi, E Bartocci, L Bortolussi
International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and …, 2018
Logic-based multi-objective design of chemical reaction networks
L Bortolussi, A Policriti, S Silvetti
Hybrid Systems Biology: 5th International Workshop, HSB 2016, Grenoble …, 2016
A robust genetic algorithm for learning temporal specifications from data
S Silvetti, L Nenzi, L Bortolussi, E Bartocci
CoRR, abs/1711.06202 7, 2017
A logic-based learning approach to explore diabetes patient behaviors
J Lamp, S Silvetti, M Breton, L Nenzi, L Feng
Computational Methods in Systems Biology: 17th International Conference …, 2019
MoonLight: a lightweight tool for monitoring spatio-temporal properties
L Nenzi, E Bartocci, L Bortolussi, S Silvetti, M Loreti
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 25 (4), 503-517, 2023
Is Machine Learning Model Checking Privacy Preserving?
L Bortolussi, L Nenzi, G Saveri, S Silvetti
International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, 139-155, 2024
Bayesian statistical parametric verification and synthesis by machine learning
L Bortolussi, G Sanguinetti, S Silvetti
2018 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 381-394, 2018
MoonLight: A Lightweight Tool for Monitoring Spatio-Temporal Properties
E Bartocci, L Bortolussi, M Loreti, L Nenzi, S Silvetti
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.14333, 2021
Combining Machine Learning and Formal Methods for Complex Systems Design
S Silvetti
Universitą degli Studi di Udine, 2018
Parametric Verification and Synthesis based on Gaussian Processes
L Bortolussi, L Nenzi, S Silvetti
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Articles 1–14