Zhaofei Yu
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Incorporating learnable membrane time constant to enhance learning of spiking neural networks
W Fang, Z Yu, Y Chen, T Masquelier, T Huang, Y Tian
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2021
Deep residual learning in spiking neural networks
W Fang, Z Yu, Y Chen, T Huang, T Masquelier, Y Tian
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 21056-21069, 2021
Optimal ANN-SNN conversion for high-accuracy and ultra-low-latency spiking neural networks
T Bu, W Fang, J Ding, PL Dai, Z Yu, T Huang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.04347, 2023
Spikingjelly: An open-source machine learning infrastructure platform for spike-based intelligence
W Fang, Y Chen, J Ding, Z Yu, T Masquelier, D Chen, L Huang, H Zhou, ...
Science Advances 9 (40), eadi1480, 2023
W Fang, Y Chen, J Ding, D Chen, Z Yu, H Zhou, Y Tian
Multimedia Learn. Group, Inst. Digit. Media (NELVT), 2020
Optimal ann-snn conversion for fast and accurate inference in deep spiking neural networks
J Ding, Z Yu, Y Tian, T Huang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.11654, 2021
A probabilistic approach for cooperative computation offloading in MEC-assisted vehicular networks
P Dai, K Hu, X Wu, H Xing, F Teng, Z Yu
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (2), 899-911, 2020
Optimized potential initialization for low-latency spiking neural networks
T Bu, J Ding, Z Yu, T Huang
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 36 (1), 11-20, 2022
Temporal Effective Batch Normalization in Spiking Neural Networks
C Duan, J Ding, S Chen, Z Yu, T Huang
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2022
Design and implementation of a noncontact sleep monitoring system using infrared cameras and motion sensor
F Deng, J Dong, X Wang, Y Fang, Y Liu, Z Yu, J Liu, F Chen
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 67 (7), 1555-1563, 2018
Asynchronous deep reinforcement learning for data-driven task offloading in MEC-empowered vehicular networks
P Dai, K Hu, X Wu, H Xing, Z Yu
IEEE INFOCOM 2021-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 1-10, 2021
1000× faster camera and machine vision with ordinary devices
T Huang, Y Zheng, Z Yu, R Chen, Y Li, R Xiong, L Ma, J Zhao, S Dong, ...
Engineering 25, 110-119, 2023
Event-based vision enhanced: A joint detection framework in autonomous driving
J Li, S Dong, Z Yu, Y Tian, T Huang
2019 ieee international conference on multimedia and expo (icme), 1396-1401, 2019
Multi-armed bandit learning for computation-intensive services in MEC-empowered vehicular networks
P Dai, Z Hang, K Liu, X Wu, H Xing, Z Yu, VCS Lee
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (7), 7821-7834, 2020
High-speed image reconstruction through short-term plasticity for spiking cameras
Y Zheng, L Zheng, Z Yu, B Shi, Y Tian, T Huang
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021
A distributed algorithm for task offloading in vehicular networks with hybrid fog/cloud computing
Z Liu, P Dai, H Xing, Z Yu, W Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 52 (7), 4388-4401, 2021
Pruning of deep spiking neural networks through gradient rewiring
Y Chen, Z Yu, W Fang, T Huang, Y Tian
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.04916, 2021
Spatio-temporal recurrent networks for event-based optical flow estimation
Z Ding, R Zhao, J Zhang, T Gao, R Xiong, Z Yu, T Huang
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 36 (1), 525-533, 2022
Reducing ANN-SNN Conversion Error through Residual Membrane Potential
Z Hao, T Bu, J Ding, T Huang, Z Yu
The Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37 (1), 11-21, 2023
Reconstruction of natural visual scenes from neural spikes with deep neural networks
Y Zhang, S Jia, Y Zheng, Z Yu, Y Tian, S Ma, T Huang, JK Liu
Neural Networks 125, 19-30, 2020
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