Erendira Rendon
Erendira Rendon
National Institute of Technology of Mexico (TecNM)\IT Toluca
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Internal versus external cluster validation indexes
E Rendón, I Abundez, A Arizmendi, EM Quiroz
International Journal of computers and communications 5 (1), 27-34, 2011
A comparison of internal and external cluster validation indexes
E Rendón, IM Abundez, C Gutierrez, SD Zagal, A Arizmendi, EM Quiroz, ...
Proceedings of the 2011 American Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA 29, 1-10, 2011
Data sampling methods to deal with the big data multi-class imbalance problem
E Rendon, R Alejo, C Castorena, FJ Isidro-Ortega, EE Granda-Gutierrez
Applied Sciences 10 (4), 1276, 2020
Text summarization by sentence extraction using unsupervised learning
RA García-Hernández, R Montiel, Y Ledeneva, E Rendón, A Gelbukh, ...
Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 133-143, 2008
Deep neural network for gender-based violence detection on Twitter messages
CM Castorena, IM Abundez, R Alejo, EE Granda-Gutiérrez, E Rendón, ...
Mathematics 9 (8), 807, 2021
Minería de datos aplicada para la identificación de factores de riesgo en alumnos.
A Reyes-Nava, A Flores-Fuentes, R Alejo, ER Lara
Res. Comput. Sci. 139, 177-189, 2017
Performance analysis of deep neural networks for classification of gene-expression microarrays
A Reyes-Nava, JS Sánchez, R Alejo, AA Flores-Fuentes, E Rendón-Lara
Pattern Recognition: 10th Mexican Conference, MCPR 2018, Puebla, Mexico …, 2018
Addressing the big data multi-class imbalance problem with oversampling and deep learning neural networks
VM González-Barcenas, E Rendón, R Alejo, EE Granda-Gutiérrez, ...
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: 9th Iberian Conference, IbPRIA 2019 …, 2019
Using deep learning to classify class imbalanced gene-expression microarrays datasets
A Reyes-Nava, H Cruz-Reyes, R Alejo, E Rendón-Lara, ...
Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and …, 2019
Applicability of cluster validation indexes for large data sets
MS Sánchez, RM Valdovinos, A Trueba, E Rendón, R Alejo, E Lopez
2013 12th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 187-193, 2013
Niva: a robust cluster validity
E Rendón, R Garcia, I Abundez, C Gutierrez, E Gasca, F Del Razo, ...
WSEAS International Conference. Proceedings. Mathematics and Computers in …, 2008
Implementation of Incremental Learning in Artificial Neural Networks.
M Andrade, E Gasca, E Rendón
GCAI, 221-232, 2017
Clustering based on compressed data for categorical and mixed attributes
E Rendón, JS Sánchez
Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition: Joint IAPR …, 2006
Redes neuronales artificiales y árboles de decisión para la clasificación con datos categóricos.
CG Origel-Rivas, ER Lara, IA Barrera, RA Eleuterio
Res. Comput. Sci. 149 (8), 541-554, 2020
Diagnosis of medical images using an expert system
I Abundez Barrera, E Rendón Lara, C Gutiérrez Estrada, S Díaz Zagal
Advances in Artificial Intelligence–IBERAMIA 2010: 12th Ibero-American …, 2010
Deep Neural Network to Detect Gender Violence on Mexican Tweets
G Miranda, R Alejo, C Castorena, E Rendón, J Illescas, V García
Progress in Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition: 7th …, 2021
Density-Based Clustering to Deal with Highly Imbalanced Data in Multi-Class Problems
JC Munguía Mondragón, E Rendón Lara, R Alejo Eleuterio, ...
Mathematics 11 (18), 4008, 2023
Estudio del desbalance de clases en bases de datos de microarrays de expresión genética mediante técnicas de Deep Learning.
H Cruz-Reyes, A Reyes-Nava, ER Lara, R Alejo
Res. Comput. Sci. 147 (5), 197-207, 2018
Method to classify colposcopic images
E Rendon, A Dıaz, I Abundez, E Gasca
Recent Researches Communications Computers, 404-408, 2012
Pedestrian Localization in a Video Sequence Using Motion Detection and Active Shape Models
JA Antonio Velázquez, M Romero Huertas, R Alejo Eleuterio, ...
Applied Sciences 12 (11), 5371, 2022
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Articles 1–20