Cristina Craioveanu
Cristina Craioveanu
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, Department of Taxonomy and Ecology, Sociobiology and Insect Ecology Lab
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Cited by
Alterations of steppe‐like grasslands in Eastern Europe: a threat to regional biodiversity hotspots
C Cremene, G Groza, L Rakosy, AA Schileyko, A Baur, A Erhardt, B Baur
Conservation Biology 19 (5), 1606-1618, 2005
Effects of abandonment of subalpine hay meadows on plant and invertebrate diversity in Transylvania, Romania
B Baur, C Cremene, G Groza, L Rakosy, AA Schileyko, A Baur, P Stoll, ...
Biological Conservation 132 (2), 261-273, 2006
Rural social–ecological systems navigating institutional transitions: case study from Transylvania (Romania)
BC Tibor Hartel , Kinga - Olga Réti , Cristina Craioveanu , Róbert Gallé ...
Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 2 (2), 1-12, 2016
Intensified grazing affects endemic plant and gastropod diversity in alpine grasslands of the Southern Carpathian mountains (Romania)
B Baur, C Cremene, G Groza, A Schileyko, A Baur, A Erhardt
Biologia 62 (4), 438-445, 2007
Valuing scattered trees from wood-pastures by farmers in a traditional rural region of Eastern Europe
CC Tibor Hartel, Kinga-Olga Réti
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 236, 304-311, 2017
Environmental determinants of the old oaks in wood-pastures from a changing traditional social–ecological system of Romania
TH Cosmin Ioan Moga, Ciprian Samoilă , Kinga Öllerer, Raluca I. Băncilă ...
Ambio, 2016
Multi-Approach Assessment for Stress Evaluation in Rainbow Trout Females, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) from Three Different Farms during the …
P Uiuiu, C Lațiu, T Păpuc, C Craioveanu, A Ihuț, A Sava, C Răducu, ...
Animals 11 (6), 1810, 2021
Differences in adult phenology, demography, mobility and distribution in two syntopic ecotypes of Maculinea alcon (cruciata vs. pneumonanthe)(Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) from …
N Timuș, C Craioveanu, C Sitaru, A Rus, L Rákosy
Entomologica romanica 18, 21-30, 2013
Multiannual population size estimates and mobility of the endemic Pseudophilotes bavius hungarica (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) from Transylvania (Romania)
A Crisan, C Sitar, MC Craioveanu, TC Vizauer, L Rakosy
North-Western Journal of Zoology 10 (Supplement), S115-S124, 2014
The protected Transylvanian Blue (Pseudophilotes bavius hungarica): new information on the morphology and biology
Nota Lepidopterologica 34 (2), 163-168, 2011
Mobility, behaviour and phenology of the Violet Copper Lycaena helle in North-Western Romania
C Craioveanu, C Sitar, L Rákosy
Jewels in the mist. A synopsis on the endangered Violet Copper butterfly …, 2014
Fish species diversity from Someșul Cald River: 50Years after Cascade dam constructions
C Lațiu, T Papuc, G Muntean, P Uiuiu, R Constantinescu, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 10, 918745, 2022
Factors affecting butterfly and plant diversity in basiphilous dry grasslands of Transylvania, Romania
C Craioveanu, I Muntean, E Ruprecht, RI Băncilă, A Crișan, L Rákosy
Community Ecology, 2021
Redescovering Tomares nogelii dobrogensis Caradja, 1895 in Romania
L Rakosy, C Craioveanu
Entomologica Romanica 19, 13-16, 2016
Does carnivory pay off? Experiments on the effects of different types of diet on growth and development of Bufo bufo (Linnaeus, 1758) tadpoles and carry-over effects after …
TH Octavian Craioveanu, Cristina Craioveanu, Ioan Ghira, Vioara Mireșan
Herpetozoa 32, 21-31, 2019
Plasticity of thermoregulatory behavior in leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius, Blyth 1954)
O Craioveanu, C Craioveanu, V Mireşan
Zoo Biology 36 (4), 273-277, 2017
Lepidoptere din Rezervația Naturală ”Dealul cu fluturi” de la Viișoara (jud. Cluj)
S Kovacs, L Rakosy, Z Kovacs, C Cremene, M Goia
Buletin de Informare al Societății Lepidopterologice Române 12 (1-4), 47-85, 2001
PAHs, physicochemical and microbiological analyses of trout processed by traditional smoking, in different types of packaging
A Sava, P Uiuiu, C Lațiu, D Cocan, GC Muntean, T Papuc, A Ihuț, ...
Fishes 8 (8), 424, 2023
Shelter use assessment and shelter enrichment in captive bred common toads (Bufo bufo, Linnaeus 1758).
O Craioveanu, C Craioveanu, I Cosma, I Ghira, V Mireşan
North-Western Journal of Zoology 13 (2), 2017
Tree hay as source of economic resilience in traditional social-ecological systems from Transylvania
T Hartel, C Craioveanu, KO Réti
Martor 21, 53-6, 2016
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Articles 1–20