Alexander S. T. Papadopulos
Alexander S. T. Papadopulos
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Speciation with gene flow on Lord Howe Island
AST Papadopulos, WJ Baker, D Crayn, RK Butlin, RG Kynast, I Hutton, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (32), 13188-13193, 2011
Rapid Y degeneration and dosage compensation in plant sex chromosomes
AST Papadopulos, M Chester, K Ridout, DA Filatov
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (42), 13021-13026, 2015
Viviparity stimulates diversification in an order of fish
AJ Helmstetter, AST Papadopulos, J Igea, TJM Van Dooren, AM Leroi, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11271, 2016
Madagascar’s extraordinary biodiversity: Threats and opportunities
H Ralimanana, AL Perrigo, RJ Smith, JS Borrell, S Faurby, MT Rajaonah, ...
Science 378 (6623), eadf1466, 2022
Field-based species identification of closely-related plants using real-time nanopore sequencing
J Parker, AJ Helmstetter, D Devey, T Wilkinson, AST Papadopulos
Scientific reports 7 (1), 8345, 2017
Madagascar’s extraordinary biodiversity: Evolution, distribution, and use
A Antonelli, RJ Smith, AL Perrigo, A Crottini, J Hackel, W Testo, H Farooq, ...
Science 378 (6623), eabf0869, 2022
Convergent evolution of floral signals underlies the success of Neotropical orchids
AST Papadopulos, MP Powell, F Pupulin, J Warner, JA Hawkins, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1765), 20130960, 2013
The uneven phylogeny and biogeography of Erodium (Geraniaceae): radiations in the Mediterranean and recent recurrent intercontinental colonization
O Fiz-Palacios, P Vargas, R Vila, AST Papadopulos, JJ Aldasoro
Annals of botany 106 (6), 871-884, 2010
Evolutionary genetics of immunological supertypes reveals two faces of the Red Queen
J Lighten, AST Papadopulos, RS Mohammed, BJ Ward, I G. Paterson, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1294, 2017
Inference of natural selection from ancient DNA
M Dehasque, MC Ávila-Arcos, D Díez-del-Molino, M Fumagalli, ...
Evolution Letters 4 (2), 94-108, 2020
Evaluation of genetic isolation within an island flora reveals unusually widespread local adaptation and supports sympatric speciation
AST Papadopulos, M Kaye, C Devaux, H Hipperson, J Lighten, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 369 …, 2014
Correlates of hyperdiversity in southern African ice plants (Aizoaceae)
LM Valente, AW Britton, MP Powell, AST Papadopulos, PM Burgoyne, ...
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 174 (1), 110-129, 2014
Seed size and its rate of evolution correlate with species diversification across angiosperms
J Igea, EF Miller, AST Papadopulos, AJ Tanentzap
PLoS Biology 15 (7), e2002792, 2017
Demographic history of speciation in a Senecio altitudinal hybrid zone on Mt. Etna
DA Filatov, OG Osborne, AST Papadopulos
Molecular ecology 25 (11), 2467-2481, 2016
How sympatric is speciation in the Howea palms of Lord Howe Island?
W Babik, RK Butlin, WJ Baker, AST Papadopulos, M Boulesteix, ...
Molecular Ecology 18 (17), 3629-3638, 2009
A comparative analysis of the mechanisms underlying speciation on Lord Howe Island
AST Papadopulos, Z Price, C Devaux, H Hipperson, CM Smadja, I Hutton, ...
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26 (4), 733-745, 2013
A comparative analysis of island floras challenges taxonomy-based biogeographical models of speciation
J Igea, D Bogarín, AST Papadopulos, V Savolainen
Evolution 69 (2), 482-491, 2015
Ecological speciation in sympatric palms: 1. Gene expression, selection and pleiotropy
LT Dunning, H Hipperson, WJ Baker, RK Butlin, C Devaux, I Hutton, ...
Journal of evolutionary biology 29 (8), 1472-1487, 2016
Rapid parallel adaptation to anthropogenic heavy metal pollution
AST Papadopulos, AJ Helmstetter, OG Osborne, AA Comeault, DP Wood, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 38 (9), 3724-3736, 2021
Safeguarding imperiled biodiversity and evolutionary processes in the Wallacea center of endemism
MJ Struebig, SG Aninta, M Beger, A Bani, H Barus, S Brace, ZG Davies, ...
BioScience 72 (11), 1118-1130, 2022
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Articles 1–20