David Cunningham
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Cited by
Acute vascular and cardiovascular responses to blood flow–restricted exercise
ME Downs, KJ Hackney, D Martin, TL Caine, D Cunningham, ...
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 46 (8), 1489-1497, 2014
Rethinking stimulation of the brain in stroke rehabilitation: why higher motor areas might be better alternatives for patients with greater impairments
EB Plow, DA Cunningham, N Varnerin, A Machado
The Neuroscientist 21 (3), 225-240, 2015
Exercise intensity affects acute neurotrophic and neurophysiological responses poststroke
P Boyne, C Meyrose, J Westover, D Whitesel, K Hatter, DS Reisman, ...
Journal of applied physiology 126 (2), 431-443, 2019
Inhibition versus facilitation of contralesional motor cortices in stroke: deriving a model to tailor brain stimulation
V Sankarasubramanian, AG Machado, AB Conforto, KA Potter-Baker, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 128 (6), 892-902, 2017
Assessment of inter-hemispheric imbalance using imaging and noninvasive brain stimulation in patients with chronic stroke
DA Cunningham, A Machado, D Janini, N Varnerin, C Bonnett, G Yue, ...
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 96 (4), S94-S103, 2015
Stimulation targeting higher motor areas in stroke rehabilitation: A proof-of-concept, randomized, double-blinded placebo-controlled study of effectiveness and underlying …
DA Cunningham, N Varnerin, A Machado, C Bonnett, D Janini, S Roelle, ...
Restorative neurology and neuroscience 33 (6), 911-926, 2015
Functional somatotopy revealed across multiple cortical regions using a model of complex motor task
DA Cunningham, A Machado, GH Yue, JR Carey, EB Plow
Brain research 1531, 25-36, 2013
Models to tailor brain stimulation therapies in stroke
EB Plow, V Sankarasubramanian, DA Cunningham, K Potter-Baker, ...
Neural plasticity 2016 (1), 4071620, 2016
It takes two: noninvasive brain stimulation combined with neurorehabilitation
SJ Page, DA Cunningham, E Plow, B Blazak
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 96 (4), S89-S93, 2015
Transcranial direct current stimulation targeting primary motor versus dorsolateral prefrontal cortices: proof-of-concept study investigating functional connectivity of …
V Sankarasubramanian, DA Cunningham, KA Potter-Baker, EB Beall, ...
Brain connectivity 7 (3), 182-196, 2017
Cerebellar deep brain stimulation for chronic post-stroke motor rehabilitation: a phase I trial
KB Baker, EB Plow, S Nagel, AB Rosenfeldt, R Gopalakrishnan, C Clark, ...
Nature medicine 29 (9), 2366-2374, 2023
Influence of corticospinal tracts from higher order motor cortices on recruitment curve properties in stroke
KA Potter-Baker, NM Varnerin, DA Cunningham, SM Roelle, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 10, 79, 2016
Stratifying chronic stroke patients based on the influence of contralesional motor cortices: an inter-hemispheric inhibition study
YL Lin, KA Potter-Baker, DA Cunningham, M Li, V Sankarasubramanian, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 131 (10), 2516-2525, 2020
Reproducibility of transcranial magnetic stimulation metrics in the study of proximal upper limb muscles
V Sankarasubramanian, SM Roelle, CE Bonnett, D Janini, NM Varnerin, ...
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 25 (5), 754-764, 2015
Bilateral contralaterally controlled functional electrical stimulation reveals new insights into the interhemispheric competition model in chronic stroke
DA Cunningham, JS Knutson, V Sankarasubramanian, KA Potter-Baker, ...
Neurorehabilitation and neural repair 33 (9), 707-717, 2019
Effectiveness and neural mechanisms associated with tDCS delivered to premotor cortex in stroke rehabilitation: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
EB Plow, DA Cunningham, E Beall, S Jones, A Wyant, C Bonnett, GH Yue, ...
Trials 14, 1-10, 2013
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) paired with massed practice training to promote adaptive plasticity and motor recovery in chronic incomplete tetraplegia: a pilot …
KA Potter-Baker, DP Janini, YL Lin, V Sankarasubramanian, ...
The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine 41 (5), 503-517, 2018
Exposure to low-dose X-ray radiation alters bone progenitor cells and bone microarchitecture
F Lima, JM Swift, ES Greene, MR Allen, DA Cunningham, LA Braby, ...
Radiation research 188 (4), 433-442, 2017
Neurophysiological correlates of aging-related muscle weakness
EB Plow, DA Cunningham, C Bonnett, D Gohar, M Bayram, A Wyant, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 110 (11), 2563-2573, 2013
Reliability of TMS metrics in patients with chronic incomplete spinal cord injury
KA Potter-Baker, DP Janini, FS Frost, P Chabra, N Varnerin, ...
Spinal cord 54 (11), 980-990, 2016
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Articles 1–20