Wilton Mui
Wilton Mui
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Cited by
Bringing the ocean into the laboratory to probe the chemical complexity of sea spray aerosol
KA Prather, TH Bertram, VH Grassian, GB Deane, MD Stokes, PJ DeMott, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (19), 7550-7555, 2013
On the sources of methane to the Los Angeles atmosphere
PO Wennberg, W Mui, D Wunch, EA Kort, DR Blake, EL Atlas, GW Santoni, ...
Environmental science & technology 46 (17), 9282-9289, 2012
Influence of particle-phase state on the hygroscopic behavior of mixed organic–inorganic aerosols
N Hodas, A Zuend, W Mui, RC Flagan, JH Seinfeld
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 (9), 5027-5045, 2015
Charge distribution uncertainty in differential mobility analysis of aerosols
J Leppä, W Mui, AM Grantz, RC Flagan
Aerosol Science and Technology 51 (10), 1168-1189, 2017
Ion mobility-mass spectrometry with a radial opposed migration ion and aerosol classifier (ROMIAC)
W Mui, DA Thomas, AJ Downard, JL Beauchamp, JH Seinfeld, RC Flagan
Analytical chemistry 85 (13), 6319-6326, 2013
Radial opposed migration aerosol classifier with grounded aerosol entrance and exit
RC Flagan, W Mui, AJ Downard
US Patent 9,095,793, 2015
Formation of active chlorine oxidants in saline-oxone aerosol
J Jang, M Jang, W Mui, CA Delcomyn, MV Henley, JD Hearn
Aerosol Science and Technology 44 (11), 1018-1026, 2010
Design, simulation, and characterization of a radial opposed migration ion and aerosol classifier (ROMIAC)
W Mui, H Mai, AJ Downard, JH Seinfeld, RC Flagan
Aerosol Science and Technology 51 (7), 801-823, 2017
Development of a performance evaluation protocol for air sensors deployed on a google street view car
W Mui, B Der Boghossian, A Collier-Oxandale, S Boddeker, J Low, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (3), 1477-1486, 2021
Opposed migration aerosol classifier gas and heat exchanger
RC Flagan, W Mui, AJ Downard
US Patent 9,138,663, 2015
Development of ASTM International D8405—Standard Test Method for Evaluating PM2.5 Sensors or Sensor Systems Used in Indoor Applications
W Mui, XM Kuang, H Zhang, S Bhandari, R Dominguez, A Polidori, ...
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 20 (9), 373-389, 2023
Air Quality Sensor Experts Convene: Current Quality Assurance Considerations for Credible Data
KK Barkjohn, A Clements, C Mocka, C Barrette, A Bittner, W Champion, ...
ACS ES&T Air 1 (10), 1203-1214, 2024
Leveraging an open-access low-cost sensor network and an open-source R-package to observe changes in air quality both locally and globally before, during, and after the …
AM Collier-Oxandale, V Papapostolou, B Feenstra, B Der Boghossian, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, A079-06, 2020
Deployment of Low Cost Sensors for Source Apportionment Following Corrections Based on Hygroscopicity of Aerosols
W Mui, S Bhandari, AM Collier-Oxandale, B Der Boghossian, B Feenstra, ...
AGU Fall Meeting 2019, 2019
Deployment of Low Cost Sensors for Source Apportionment Following Corrections Based on Hygroscopicity of Aerosols
S Bhandari, W Mui, AM Collier-Oxandale, B Der Boghossian, B Feenstra, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, A31P-2692, 2019
Development and Applications of Opposed Migration Aerosol Classifiers (OMACs)
W Mui
California Institute of Technology, 2017
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Articles 1–16