Ionut Cosmin Sandric
Ionut Cosmin Sandric
Universitatea din Bucuresti, Facultatea de Geografie
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe geo.unibuc.ro
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Late Miocene megalake regressions in Eurasia
DV Palcu, IS Patina, I Șandric, S Lazarev, I Vasiliev, M Stoica, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 11471, 2021
Change detection analysis (1986–2002) of vegetation cover in Romania
B Mihai, I Savulescu, I Sandric
Mountain research and development 27 (3), 250-258, 2007
Individual tree-crown detection and species classification in very high-resolution remote sensing imagery using a deep learning ensemble model
AI Pleșoianu, MS Stupariu, I Șandric, I Pătru-Stupariu, L Drăguț
Remote Sensing 12 (15), 2426, 2020
Exploratory analysis of cooling effect of urban lakes on land surface temperature in Bucharest (Romania) using Landsat imagery
CI Sorin Cheval, Ana-Maria Popa, Ionut Sandric
Urban Climate 34, 2020
Mapping wilderness
SJ Carver, S Fritz
Netherlands, Dordrecht: Springer, 2016
Vulnerabilitatea versanților la alunecări de teren în sectorul subcarpatic al văii Prahova
I Armaș, R Damian, I Sandric, G Osaci-Costache
Editura Fundației" România de Mâine, 2003
Using CUDA to accelerate uncertainty propagation modelling for landslide susceptibility assessment
I Sandric, C Ionita, Z Chitu, M Dardala, R Irimia, FT Furtuna
Environmental Modelling & Software 115, 176-186, 2019
Impacts of tourism on geomorphological processes in the Bucegi Mountains in Romania
B Mihai, E Reynard, G Werren, I Savulescu, I Sandric, Z Chitu
Geographica Helvetica 64 (3), 134-147, 2009
Mapping heat and traffic stress of urban park vegetation based on satellite imagery-A comparison of Bucharest, Romania and Leipzig, Germany
I Cârlan, D Haase, A Große-Stoltenberg, I Sandric
Urban Ecosystems 23 (2), 363-377, 2020
UAV applications to assess short-term dynamics of slow-moving landslides under dense forest cover
V Ilinca, I Șandric, Z Chițu, R Irimia, I Gheuca
Landslides 19 (7), 1717-1734, 2022
Wilderness areas in Romania: a case study on the South Western Carpathians
DȘ Măntoiu, MC Nistorescu, IC Șandric, IC Mirea, A Hăgătiș, E Stanciu
Mapping wilderness: concepts, techniques and applications, 145-156, 2016
Identifying hydrological pre-conditions and rainfall triggers of slope failures at catchment scale for 2014 storm events in the Ialomita Subcarpathians, Romania
Z Chitu, T Bogaard, A Busuioc, S Burcea, I Sandric, MJ Adler
Landslides 14, 419-434, 2017
Change detection analysis for urban development in Bucharest-Romania, using high resolution satellite imagery
I Sandric, B Mihai, I Savulescu, B Suditu, Z Chitu
2007 Urban Remote Sensing Joint Event, 1-8, 2007
Tree's detection & health's assessment from ultra-high resolution UAV imagery and deep learning
I Șandric, R Irimia, GP Petropoulos, A Anand, PK Srivastava, A Pleșoianu, ...
Geocarto International 37 (25), 10459-10479, 2022
Integration of landslide susceptibility assessment in urban development: a case study in P redeal town, R omanian C arpathians
B Mihai, I Savulescu, I Sandric, Z Chitu
Area 46 (4), 377-388, 2014
Evaporative fluxes and Surface Soil Moisture Retrievals in a Mediterranean setting from Sentinel-3 and the “simplified triangle”
GP Petropoulos, I Sandric, D Hristopulos, T Nahum Carlson
Remote Sensing 12 (19), 3192, 2020
Mass movements
M Micu, M Jurchescu, I Șandric, MC Mărgărint, Z Chițu, D Micu, R Ciurean, ...
Landform Dynamics and Evolution in Romania, 765-820, 2017
Comparative study of the methods for assessing landslide susceptibility in Ialomița Subcarpathians, Romania
Z Chitu, A Istrate, MJ Adler, I Sandric, B Olariu, B Mihai
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory-Volume 2: Landslide Processes …, 2015
Integrating catchment land cover data to remotely assess freshwater quality: A step forward in heterogeneity analysis of river networks
I Șandric, A Satmari, C Zaharia, M Petrovici, M Cîmpean, KP Battes, ...
Aquatic Sciences 81, 1-11, 2019
Detailed mapping of landslide susceptibility for urban planning purposes in Carpathian and Subcarpathian towns of Romania
B Mihai, I Sandric, I Savulescu, Z Chitu
Cartography in Central and Eastern Europe: CEE 2009, 417-429, 2010
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