Samir Lounis
Samir Lounis
Professor in theoretical nanospintronics, Forschungszentrum Juelich & University of Duisburg-Essen
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Atom-by-atom engineering and magnetometry of tailored nanomagnets
AA Khajetoorians, J Wiebe, B Chilian, S Lounis, S Blügel, ...
Nature Physics 8 (6), 497, 2012
Strength and directionality of surface Ruderman–Kittel–Kasuya–Yosida interaction mapped on the atomic scale
L Zhou, J Wiebe, S Lounis, E Vedmedenko, F Meier, S Blügel, ...
Nature Physics 6 (3), 187, 2010
Current-driven spin dynamics of artificially constructed quantum magnets
AA Khajetoorians, B Baxevanis, C Hübner, T Schlenk, S Krause, ...
Science 339 (6115), 55-59, 2013
Itinerant nature of atom-magnetization excitation by tunneling electrons
AA Khajetoorians, S Lounis, B Chilian, AT Costa, L Zhou, DL Mills, ...
Physical review letters 106 (3), 037205, 2011
Topological–chiral magnetic interactions driven by emergent orbital magnetism
S Grytsiuk, JP Hanke, M Hoffmann, J Bouaziz, O Gomonay, G Bihlmayer, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 511, 2020
Perpendicular reading of single confined magnetic skyrmions
DM Crum, M Bouhassoune, J Bouaziz, B Schweflinghaus, S Blügel, ...
Nature communications 6, 8541, 2015
Seeing the Fermi surface in real space by nanoscale electron focusing
A Weismann, M Wenderoth, S Lounis, P Zahn, N Quaas, RG Ulbrich, ...
Science 323 (5918), 1190-1193, 2009
Spin Excitations of Individual Fe Atoms on Pt (111): Impact of the Site-Dependent<? format?> Giant Substrate Polarization
AA Khajetoorians, T Schlenk, B Schweflinghaus, M dos Santos Dias, ...
Physical review letters 111 (15), 157204, 2013
Spin-orbit coupling and spin waves in ultrathin ferromagnets: The spin-wave Rashba effect
AT Costa, RB Muniz, S Lounis, AB Klautau, DL Mills
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (1), 014428, 2010
Tailoring the chiral magnetic interaction between two individual atoms
AA Khajetoorians, M Steinbrecher, M Ternes, M Bouhassoune, ...
Nature communications 7, 10620, 2016
Universality of defect-skyrmion interaction profiles
I Lima Fernandes, J Bouaziz, S Blügel, S Lounis
Nature communications 9 (1), 4395, 2018
Topological magnon insulators in two-dimensional van der Waals ferromagnets CrSiTe3 and CrGeTe3: Toward intrinsic gap-tunability
F Zhu, L Zhang, X Wang, FJ Dos Santos, J Song, T Mueller, K Schmalzl, ...
Science advances 7 (37), eabi7532, 2021
Interplay between the Kondo effect and the Ruderman–Kittel–Kasuya–Yosida interaction
H Prüser, PE Dargel, M Bouhassoune, RG Ulbrich, T Pruschke, S Lounis, ...
Nature communications 5, 5417, 2014
Magnetism of nanowires driven by novel even-odd effects
S Lounis, PH Dederichs, S Blügel
Physical review letters 101 (10), 107204, 2008
Theory of local dynamical magnetic susceptibilities from the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker Green function method
S Lounis, AT Costa, RB Muniz, DL Mills
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (3), 035109, 2011
The chiral biquadratic pair interaction
S Brinker, MS Dias, S Lounis
New journal of physics 21 (8), 083015, 2019
Dynamical magnetic excitations of nanostructures from first principles
S Lounis, AT Costa, RB Muniz, DL Mills
Physical review letters 105 (18), 187205, 2010
Controlling in-gap end states by linking nonmagnetic atoms and artificially-constructed spin chains on superconductors
L Schneider, S Brinker, M Steinbrecher, J Hermenau, T Posske, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 4707, 2020
Absence of a spin-signature from a single Ho adatom as probed by spin-sensitive tunneling
M Steinbrecher, A Sonntag, MDS Dias, M Bouhassoune, S Lounis, ...
Nature Communications 7 (1), 10454, 2016
Noncollinear Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker Green function method: Application to nanostructures on
S Lounis, P Mavropoulos, PH Dederichs, S Blügel
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (22), 224437, 2005
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Articles 1–20