Daniela-Luminita Constantin
Daniela-Luminita Constantin
Professor of Regional Economics, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
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Citat de
On the importance of grain size in luminescence dating using quartz
A Timar-Gabor, JP Buylaert, B Guralnik, O Trandafir-Antohi, D Constantin, ...
Radiation Measurements 106, 464-471, 2017
Regional specialization and geographic concentration of industries in Romania.
Z Goschin, D Constantin, M Roman, B Ileanu
South-Eastern Europe Journal of Economics 7 (1), 2009
The current state and dynamics of regional disparities in Romania
Z Goschin, DL Constantin, M Roman, B Ileanu
Romanian Journal of Regional Science 2 (2), 80-105, 2008
Sustainable cities in central and eastern European countries. Moving towards smart specialization
C Serbanica, DL Constantin
Habitat International 68, 55-63, 2017
Economie regionala
DL Constantin
Oscar Print, 1998
The Romanian economy from transition to crisis. Retrospects and prospects
DL Constantin, Z Goschin, AR Danciu
World Journal of Social Sciences 1 (3), 155-171, 2011
The migration phenomenon from the perspective of Romania's accession to the European Union
DL Constantin, V Vasile, D Preda, L Nicolescu
Romanian J. Eur. Aff. 4, 15, 2004
Specialisation and concentration patterns in the Romanian economy
Z Goschin, DL Constantin, M Roman, B Ileanu
Elemente fundamentale de economie regionala
DL Constantin
Editura ASE, 2004
Testing polymineral post‐IR IRSL and quartz SAR‐OSL protocols on Middle to Late Pleistocene loess at Batajnica, Serbia
A Avram, D Constantin, D Veres, S Kelemen, I Obreht, U Hambach, ...
Boreas 49 (3), 615-633, 2020
Implications of European Union structural assistance to new member states on regional disparities: the question of absorption capacity
D Constantin, Z Goschin, G Dragan
Chapters, 2011
Latest Pleistocene to Holocene loess in the central Great Plains: Optically stimulated luminescence dating and multi-proxy analysis of the enders loess section (Nebraska, USA)
V Tecsa, JA Mason, WC Johnson, X Miao, D Constantin, S Radu, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 229, 106130, 2020
University–industry knowledge transfer and network patterns in Romania: does knowledge supply fit SMEs' regional profiles?
CM Serbanica, DL Constantin, G Dragan
European Planning Studies 23 (2), 292-310, 2015
Misfortunes never come singly. A holistic approach to urban resilience and sustainability challenges
C Serbanica, DL Constantin
Cities 134, 104177, 2023
Analysis of Absorption Capacity of the EU funds in Romania
G Oprescu, DL Constantin, F Ilie, D Pîslaru
Pre-Accession Impact Studies III, 2005
Introducere în teoria și practica dezvoltării regionale
DL Constantin
Editura Economică, 2000
Assessing the maximum limit of SAR-OSL dating using quartz of different grain sizes
V Anechitei-Deacu, A Timar-Gabor, D Constantin, O Trandafir-Antohi, ...
Geochronometria 45 (1), 146-159, 2018
The geography of the financial crisis and policy response in Romania
Z Goschin, DL Constantin
Financial Crisis in Central and Eastern Europe-from Similarity to Diversity …, 2010
Tourism and environmentally sustainable regional development: The case of Romania
DL Constantin
Louvain-la-Neuve: European Regional Science Association (ERSA), 2000
Municipal real properties and the challenges of new public management: a spotlight on Romania
DL Constantin, C Mitrut, RM Grosu, M Profiroiu, AE Iosif
International Review of Administrative Sciences 84 (1), 122-143, 2018
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