Carlos Fernandes da Silva
Carlos Fernandes da Silva
Professor Catedrático/Full Professor, Department of Education and Psychology, University of Aveiro
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Cited by
Burnout and stress measurement in police officers: Literature review and a study with the operational police stress questionnaire
C Queirós, F Passos, A Bártolo, AJ Marques, CF Da Silva, A Pereira
Frontiers in psychology 11, 587, 2020
Snoring in Portuguese primary school children
AM Ferreira, V Clemente, D Gozal, A Gomes, C Pissarra, H César, ...
Pediatrics 106 (5), e64-e64, 2000
COVID-19 in Portugal: exploring the immediate psychological impact on the general population
M Paulino, R Dumas-Diniz, S Brissos, R Brites, L Alho, MR Simões, ...
Psychology, Health & Medicine 26 (1), 44-55, 2021
Job stress, burnout and coping in police officers: relationships and psychometric properties of the organizational police stress questionnaire
C Queirós, F Passos, A Bártolo, S Faria, SM Fonseca, AJ Marques, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (18), 6718, 2020
The HADES RPC inner tof wall
D Belver, A Blanco, P Cabanelas, N Carolino, E Castro, J Diaz, P Fonte, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2009
Associations between sleep quality and domains of quality of life in a non-clinical sample: results from higher education students
DR Marques, AMS Meia-Via, CF da Silva, AA Gomes
Sleep health 3 (5), 348-356, 2017
Virtual reality and acrophobia: one-year follow-up and case study
CM Coelho, JA Santos, J Silvério, CF Silva
CyberPsychology & Behavior 9 (3), 336-341, 2006
Basic Scale on Insomnia complaints and Quality of Sleep (BaSIQS): Reliability, initial validity and normative scores in higher education students
A Allen Gomes, D Ruivo Marques, AM Meia-Via, M Meia-Via, J Tavares, ...
Chronobiology international 32 (3), 428-440, 2015
Inserção profissional de graduados em Portugal:(re) configurações teóricas e empíricas
AP Marques, MG Alves, C Silva, MC Silva
Edições Húmus, 2010
The role of sexually dimorphic skin colour and shape in attractiveness of male faces
M de Lurdes Carrito, IMB dos Santos, CE Lefevre, RD Whitehead, ...
Evolution and Human Behavior 37 (2), 125-133, 2016
Population Genetics of Wild-Type CAG Repeats in the Machado-Joseph Disease Gene in Portugal
M Lima, MC Costa, R Montiel, A Ferro, C Santos, C Silva, C Bettencourt, ...
Human heredity 60 (3), 156-163, 2006
Contrasting the effectiveness and efficiency of virtual reality and real environments in the treatment of acrophobia
C Coelho, C Silva, J Santos, J Tichon, G Wallis
PsychNology Journal 6 (2), 203-216, 2008
Estudo padronizado do trabalho por turnos–versão portuguesa do SSI
CF Silva, MHP Azevedo, M Dias
Psychologica 13, 27-36, 1995
Copenhagen psychosocial questionnaire: Portugal e países africanos de língua oficial portuguesa
C Silva, V Amaral, A Pereira, P Bem-haja, A Pereira, V Rodrigues, ...
Departamento de Educação, Universidade de Aveiro: Aveiro, Portugal, 2011
Executive functioning in criminal behavior: Differentiating between types of crime and exploring the relation between shifting, inhibition, and anger
T Seruca, CF Silva
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health 15 (3), 235-246, 2016
Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire-COPSOQ-Portugal e países africanos de língua oficial portuguesa
C Silva, V Amaral, A Pereira, P Bem-Haja, A Pereira, V Rodrigues, ...
Departamento de Educação, Universidade de Aveiro: Aveiro, Portugal, 52, 2011
Neuroimaging correlates of depression—implications to clinical practice
L Castanheira, C Silva, E Cheniaux, D Telles-Correia
Frontiers in Psychiatry 10, 703, 2019
Proceedings of the 3rd IPLeiria’s International Health Congress: Leiria, Portugal. 6-7 May 2016
CC Tomás, E Oliveira, D Sousa, M Uba-Chupel, G Furtado, C Rocha, ...
BMC Health Services Research 16, 111-242, 2016
O “Perfil de Estados de Humor”: adaptação à população portuguesa
MH Azevedo, CF Silva, MR Dias
Psiquiatria Clínica 12 (4), 187-93, 1991
Consequências sociais e emocionais da dislexia de desenvolvimento: um estudo de caso
LSA Carvalhais, C Silva
Psicologia Escolar e Educacional 11, 21-29, 2007
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Articles 1–20