Lauri Häme
Lauri Häme
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Cited by
An adaptive insertion algorithm for the single-vehicle dial-a-ride problem with narrow time windows
L Häme
European Journal of Operational Research 209 (1), 11-22, 2011
Dynamic journeying under uncertainty
L Häme, H Hakula
European Journal of Operational Research 225 (3), 455-471, 2013
Demand-Responsive Transport: Models and Algorithms
L Häme
Aalto University, 2013
A maximum cluster algorithm for checking the feasibility of dial-a-ride instances
L Häme, H Hakula
Transportation Science 49 (2), 295-310, 2015
Simulation of a large scale dynamic pickup and delivery problem
E Hyytiä, L Häme, A Penttinen, R Sulonen
Proceedings of the 3rd International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and …, 2010
Errors related to the automatized satellite-based change detection of boreal forests in Finland
TP Pitkänen, L Sirro, L Häme, T Häme, M Törmä, A Kangas
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 86, 102011, 2020
Dynamic journeying in scheduled networks
L Hame, H Hakula
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 14 (1), 360-369, 2012
Demonstration of large area forest volume and primary production estimation approach based on Sentinel-2 imagery and process based ecosystem modelling
J Miettinen, S Carlier, L Häme, A Mäkelä, F Minunno, J Penttilä, J Pisl, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 42 (24), 9467-9489, 2021
Passenger-pooling and trip-combining potential of high-density demand responsive transport
T Sihvola, L Häme, R Sulonen
Transportation Research Board 89th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2010
Routing by ranking: A link analysis method for the constrained dial-a-ride problem
L Häme, H Hakula
Operations Research Letters 41 (6), 664-669, 2013
The traveling salesman problem with differential neighborhoods
L Häme, E Hyytiä, H Hakula
27th European Workshop on Comput. Geom., Morschach, Switzerland, 51-54, 2011
Modeling a competitive demand-responsive transport market
L Häme, JP Jokinen, R Sulonen
Kuhmo Nectar Conference on Transportation Economics, 2011
Simulation model for a demand responsive transportation monopoly
J Jokinen, L Häme, E Hyytiä, R Sulonen
Kuhmo Nectar Conference on Transport Economics, 2011
Int J Appl Earth Obs Geoinformation
TP Pitkänen, L Sirro, L Häme, T Häme, M Törmä, A Kangas
Int J Appl Earth Obs Geoinformation 86, 102011, 2020
Metsävaratiedon ajantasaistus–satelliittikuviin perustuva muutostulkinta
L Sirro, L Häme, T Pitkänen, A Hostikka, M Törmä, T Häme, A Kangas, ...
Finnish Society of Forest Science, 2019
Publication II
E Hyytiä, L Häme, A Penttinen
Demand-Responsive Transport: Models and Algorithms, 2012
On the Axiomatics of Web Information Retrieval
L Häme
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Articles 1–17