Ki-In Na
Cited by
Cited by
Drivable road detection with 3D point clouds based on the MRF for intelligent vehicle
J Byun, K Na, B Seo, M Roh
Field and Service Robotics: Results of the 9th International Conference, 49-60, 2015
Multimodal layer surveillance map based on anomaly detection using multi‐agents for smart city security
H Shin, KI Na, J Chang, T Uhm
ETRI Journal 44 (2), 183-193, 2022
Particle swarm optimization-based central patter generator for robotic fish locomotion
IB Jeong, CS Park, KI Na, S Han, JH Kim
2011 IEEE Congress of Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 152-157, 2011
RoadPlot-DATMO: Moving object tracking and track fusion system using multiple sensors
K Na, J Byun, M Roh, B Seo
2015 international conference on connected vehicles and expo (ICCVE), 142-143, 2015
The ground segmentation of 3D LIDAR point cloud with the optimized region merging
K Na, J Byun, M Roh, B Seo
2013 International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE), 445-450, 2013
Locomotion generator for robotic fish using an evolutionary optimized central pattern generator
KI Na, CS Park, IB Jeong, S Han, JH Kim
2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 1069-1074, 2010
Fusion of multiple 2D LiDAR and RADAR for object detection and tracking in all directions
K Na, J Byun, M Roh, B Seo
2014 International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE), 1058-1059, 2014
Drivable space expansion from the ground base for complex structured roads
K Na, B Park, B Seo
2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2016
SPU-BERT: Faster human multi-trajectory prediction from socio-physical understanding of BERT
KI Na, UH Kim, JH Kim
Knowledge-Based Systems 274, 110637, 2023
Task and role selection strategy for multi-robot cooperation in robot soccer
DH Lee, KI Na, JH Kim
Trends in Intelligent Robotics: 13th FIRA Robot World Congress, FIRA 2010 …, 2010
Development of ship dynamics model by free-running model tests and regression
K Kim, H Kim, S Choi, KI Na, H Lee, J Seo
Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea 59 (3), 173-182, 2022
Anomaly detection using elevation and thermal map for security robot
H Shin, K Na
2020 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology …, 2020
Adaptive target tracking with interacting heterogeneous motion models
KI Na, S Choi, JH Kim
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (11), 21301-21313, 2022
Target follwing with a vision sway compensation for robotic fish fibo
KI Na, IB Jeong, S Han, JH Kim
2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 2114-2119, 2011
Real‐time 3D multi‐pedestrian detection and tracking using 3D LiDAR point cloud for mobile robot
KI Na, B Park
ETRI Journal 45 (5), 836-846, 2023
A Method of Road Detection based on MRF (Markov Random Field) with 3D LiDAR for Autonomous Vehicle
J Byun, KI Na, M Roh, J Sohn, B Seo, S Kim
The Korean Society Of Automotive Engineers 2013 (5), 997-1002, 2013
Navigation and localization for autonomous vehicle at road intersections with low-cost sensors
J Byun, M Roh, KI Na, JC Sohn, S Kim
Intelligent Robotics and Applications: 5th International Conference, ICIRA …, 2012
ESTRO: Design and development of intelligent autonomous vehicle for shuttle service in the ETRI
J Byun, KI Na, M Noh, S Kim
Proc. Workshop Planning Perception Navigation Intelligent Vehicles, Portugal, 2012
Corridor occupancy-based multi-agent pathfinding in topological maps
S Song, KI Na, W Yu
2022 13th International Conference on Information and Communication …, 2022
Anomaly detection algorithm based on global object map for video surveillance system
HC Shin, J Chang, K Na
2020 20th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS …, 2020
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Articles 1–20