Emre Çelik
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Cited by
Design of new fractional order PI–fractional order PD cascade controller through dragonfly search algorithm for advanced load frequency control of power systems
E Çelik
Soft Computing 25 (2), 1193-1217, 2021
Cascade‐IλDμN controller design for AGC of thermal and hydro‐thermal power systems integrated with renewable energy sources
Y Arya, N Kumar, P Dahiya, G Sharma, E Çelik, S Dhundhara, M Sharma
IET Renewable Power Generation 15 (3), 504-520, 2021
AGC performance amelioration in multi-area interconnected thermal and thermal-hydro-gas power systems using a novel controller
Y Arya, P Dahiya, E Çelik, G Sharma, H Gözde, I Nasiruddin
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 24 (2), 384-396, 2021
(1+ PD)-PID cascade controller design for performance betterment of load frequency control in diverse electric power systems
E Çelik, N Öztürk, Y Arya, C Ocak
Neural Computing and Applications 33 (22), 15433-15456, 2021
Speed control of permanent magnet synchronous motors using fuzzy controller based on genetic algorithms
N Öztürk, E Çelik
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 43 (1), 889-898, 2012
Performance enhancement of automatic voltage regulator by modified cost function and symbiotic organisms search algorithm
E Çelik, R Durgut
Engineering science and technology, an international journal 21 (5), 1104-1111, 2018
Improved stochastic fractal search algorithm and modified cost function for automatic generation control of interconnected electric power systems
E Çelik
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 88, 103407, 2020
A powerful variant of symbiotic organisms search algorithm for global optimization
E Çelik
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 87, 103294, 2020
Incorporation of stochastic fractal search algorithm into efficient design of PID controller for an automatic voltage regulator system
E Çelik
Neural Computing and Applications 30 (6), 1991-2002, 2018
Boosted sooty tern optimization algorithm for global optimization and feature selection
EH Houssein, D Oliva, E Celik, MM Emam, RM Ghoniem
Expert Systems with Applications 213, 119015, 2023
Advancement of the search process of salp swarm algorithm for global optimization problems
E Çelik, N Öztürk, Y Arya
Expert Systems with Applications 182, 115292, 2021
A hybrid symbiotic organisms search and simulated annealing technique applied to efficient design of PID controller for automatic voltage regulator
E Çelik, N Öztürk
Soft Computing 22, 8011-8024, 2018
Self-adaptive equilibrium optimizer for solving global, combinatorial, engineering, and multi-objective problems
EH Houssein, E Çelik, MA Mahdy, RM Ghoniem
Expert Systems with Applications 195, 116552, 2022
IEGQO-AOA: information-exchanged gaussian arithmetic optimization algorithm with quasi-opposition learning
E Çelik
Knowledge-Based Systems 260, 110169, 2023
Cogging torque reduction by optimal design of PM synchronous generator for wind turbines
N Öztürk, A Dalcalı, E Celik, S Sakar
international journal of hydrogen energy 42 (28), 17593-17600, 2017
Novel fuzzy 1PD-TI controller for AGC of interconnected electric power systems with renewable power generation and energy storage devices
E Çelik, N Öztürk
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 35, 101166, 2022
Influence of energy storage device on load frequency control of an interconnected dual-area thermal and solar photovoltaic power system
E Çelik, N Öztürk, EH Houssein
Neural Computing and Applications 34 (22), 20083-20099, 2022
Performance analysis of SSA optimized fuzzy 1PD-PI controller on AGC of renewable energy assisted thermal and hydro-thermal power systems
E Çelik
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 13 (8), 4103-4122, 2022
Application of artificial neural network to estimate power generation and efficiency of a new axial flux permanent magnet synchronous generator
E Çelik, H Gör, N Öztürk, E Kurt
international journal of hydrogen energy 42 (28), 17692-17699, 2017
Application of genetic algorithms to core loss coefficient extraction
N Ozturk, E Celik
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M 19, 133-146, 2011
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Articles 1–20