Properties of the thermally sprayed Al2O3–TiO2 coatings deposited on titanium substrate ID Utu, G Marginean, I Hulka, VA Serban, D Cristea International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 51, 118-123, 2015 | 1136 | 2015 |
Wear properties of CrC–37WC–18M coatings deposited by HVOF and HVAF spraying processes I Hulka, VA Șerban, I Secoșan, P Vuoristo, K Niemi Surface and Coatings Technology 210, 15-20, 2012 | 67 | 2012 |
Optimization of the laser remelting process for HVOF-sprayed Stellite 6 wear resistant coatings CR Ciubotariu, D Frunzăverde, G Mărginean, VA Șerban, AV Bîrdeanu Optics & Laser Technology 77, 98-103, 2016 | 66 | 2016 |
Deposition of titanium nitride and hydroxyapatite-based biocompatible composite by reactive plasma spraying RA Roșu, VA Șerban, AI Bucur, U Dragoș Applied Surface Science 258 (8), 3871-3876, 2012 | 57 | 2012 |
Effect of Ti addition on microstructure and corrosion properties of laser cladded WC-Co/NiCrBSi (Ti) coatings I Hulka, D Utu, VA Serban, P Negrea, F Lukáè, T Chráska Applied Surface Science 504, 144349, 2020 | 56 | 2020 |
Study of underload effects on the delay induced by an overload in fatigue crack propagation A Bacila, X Decoopman, G Mesmacque, M Voda, VA Serban International Journal of Fatigue 29 (9-11), 1781-1787, 2007 | 49 | 2007 |
Morphology and phase modification of HVOF-sprayed MCrAlY-coatings remelted by electron beam irradiation D Utu, W Brandl, G Marginean, I Cartis, VA Serban Vacuum 77 (4), 451-455, 2005 | 45 | 2005 |
Deposition of titanium nitride layers by electric arc–Reactive plasma spraying method VA Șerban, RA Roșu, AI Bucur, DR Pascu Applied Surface Science 265, 245-249, 2013 | 41 | 2013 |
Fabrication of a UV Photodetector Based on n-TiO2/p-CuMnO2 Heterostructures M Nicolaescu, C Bandas, C Orha, V Șerban, C Lazău, S Căprărescu Coatings 11 (11), 1380, 2021 | 31 | 2021 |
Development, optimization, and characterization of NiCrBSi-TiB2 flame-sprayed vacuum fused coatings N Kazamer, P Vălean, DT Pascal, R Muntean, G Mărginean, VA Șerban Surface and Coatings Technology 406, 126747, 2021 | 29 | 2021 |
Comparison of Ni-based self-fluxing remelted coatings for wear and corrosion applications N Kazamer, R Muntean, PC Vălean, DT Pascal, G Mărginean, VA Șerban Materials 14 (12), 3293, 2021 | 27 | 2021 |
Improvement of the wear resistance of titanium alloyed with boron nitride by electron beam irradiation D Utu, G Marginean, C Pogan, W Brandl, VA Serban Surface and coatings technology 201 (14), 6387-6391, 2007 | 24 | 2007 |
Comparison of structure and wear properties of fine-structured WC-CoCr coatings deposited by HVOF and HVAF spraying processes I Hulka, VA Șerban, K Niemi, P Vuoristo, J Wolf Solid State Phenomena 188, 422-427, 2012 | 19 | 2012 |
A comparison between hardness, corrosion and wear performance of APS sprayed WC-CoMo and WC-Co coatings N Kazamer, DT Pascal, G Marginean, VA Șerban, C Codrean, ID Uțu Solid State Phenomena 254, 71-76, 2016 | 18 | 2016 |
Correlation between yield stress and hardness of nickel–silicon–boron-based alloys by nanoindentation VA Șerban, C Codrean, M Vodă, D Chicot, X Decoopman Materials Science and Engineering: A 605, 294-300, 2014 | 16 | 2014 |
Microstructure and abrasion wear resistance of thermally sprayed cermet coatings ID Utu, I Hulka, VA Serban Materials testing 55 (1), 47-50, 2013 | 16 | 2013 |
Amorphous alloys for brazing copper based alloys VA Șerban, C Codrean, D Uțu, C Opriș Journal of Physics: Conference Series 144 (1), 012098, 2009 | 16 | 2009 |
Știința și ingineria materialelor VA Șerban, A Răduță Timișoara: Editura Politehnica, 2006 | 16 | 2006 |
Characterization of brazed joints by electrical resistance spot brazing with Ni-based amorphous self-flux alloys M Vodă, C Codrean, D Chicot, VA Șerban, D Uțu, E Linul, D Buzdugan Journal of Manufacturing Processes 37, 617-627, 2019 | 13 | 2019 |
From geometric transformations to auxetic metamaterials L Munteanu, V Chiroiu, V Șerban CMC: Computers, Materials & Continua 42 (3), 175-203, 2014 | 13 | 2014 |