Qingshan Chen
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An evaluation of the ocean and sea ice climate of E3SM using MPAS and interannual CORE‐II forcing
MR Petersen, XS Asay‐Davis, AS Berres, Q Chen, N Feige, MJ Hoffman, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 11 (5), 1438-1458, 2019
A scale-invariant formulation of the anticipated potential vorticity method
Q Chen, M Gunzburger, T Ringler
Monthly Weather Review 139 (8), 2614-2629, 2011
Well-posedness results for a nonlinear Stokes problem arising in glaciology
Q Chen, M Gunzburger, M Perego
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 45 (5), 2710-2733, 2013
The barotropic mode for the primitive equations
Q Chen, MC Shiue, R Temam
Journal of Scientific Computing 45, 167-199, 2010
Treatment of incompatible initial and boundary data for parabolic equations in higher dimension
Q Chen, Z Qin, R Temam
Mathematics of computation 80 (276), 2071-2096, 2011
Numerical approximation of the inviscid 3D primitive equations in a limited domain
Q Chen, MC Shiue, R Temam, J Tribbia
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 46 (3), 619-646, 2012
A 2.5 D model for the equations of the ocean and the atmosphere
QS Chen, J Laminie, A Rousseau, R Temam, J Tribbia
Analysis and Applications 5 (03), 199-229, 2007
A co-volume scheme for the rotating shallow water equations on conforming non-orthogonal grids
Q Chen, T Ringler, M Gunzburger
Journal of Computational Physics 240, 174-197, 2013
Numerical resolution near t= 0 of nonlinear evolution equations in the presence of corner singularities in space dimension 1
Q Chen, Z Qin, R Temam
Communications in Computational Physics 9 (3), 568-586, 2011
Simulations of the 2.5 D inviscid primitive equations in a limited domain
Q Chen, R Temam, JJ Tribbia
Journal of Computational Physics 227 (23), 9865-9884, 2008
Prognostic residual mean flow in an ocean general circulation model and its relation to prognostic Eulerian mean flow
JA Saenz, Q Chen, T Ringler
Journal of Physical Oceanography 45 (9), 2247-2260, 2015
Goal-oriented a posteriori error estimation for finite volume methods
Q Chen, M Gunzburger
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 265, 69-82, 2014
A scale-aware anticipated potential vorticity method: On variable-resolution meshes
Q Chen, M Gunzburger, T Ringler
Monthly weather review 140 (9), 3127-3133, 2012
Extending a potential vorticity transport eddy closure to include a spatially-varying coefficient
Q Chen, T Ringler, PR Gent
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 71 (11), 2206-2217, 2016
On staggering techniques and the non-staggered Z-grid scheme
Q Chen
Numerische Mathematik 132, 1-21, 2016
Price, 520 SF
MR Petersen, XS Asay-Davis, AS Berres, Q Chen, N Feige, MJ Hoffman, ...
Ringler, TD, Streletz, GJ, Turner, AK, Van Roekel, LP, Veneziani, M., Wolfe …, 0
The barotropic quasi-geostrophic equation under a free surface
Q Chen
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 51 (3), 1836-1867, 2019
On the well-posedness of the inviscid multi-layer quasi-geostrophic equations
Q Chen
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.06113, 2018
Stable and convergent approximation of two-dimensional vector fields on unstructured meshes
Q Chen
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 307, 284-306, 2016
Conservative numerical schemes with optimal dispersive wave relations: Part I. Derivation and analysis
Q Chen, L Ju, R Temam
Numerische Mathematik 149 (1), 43-85, 2021
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