Ramón Reyes Carreto
Ramón Reyes Carreto
Facultad de Matemáticas, Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero
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Cited by
Un modelo empírico para explicar el desempeño académico de estudiantes de bachillerato
R Reyes Carreto, F Godínez Jaimes, FJ Ariza Hernández, ...
Perfiles educativos 36 (146), 45-62, 2014
Nivel de satisfacción de usuarios de consulta externa en un hospital público
FG Jaimes, RR Carreto, FJA Hernández, MM Reducindo, AC Sandoval, ...
Psicología y Salud 24 (1), 97-107, 2014
Dynamics of a dengue disease transmission model with two-stage structure in the human population
CVDL Alian Li-Martín, Ramón Reyes-Carreto
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 20 (Issue 1), 955-974. doi: 10.3934 …, 2022
Modeling and mathematical analysis of the dynamics of HPV in cervical epithelial cells: transient, acute, latency, and chronic infections
JC Sierra-Rojas, R Reyes-Carreto, C Vargas-De-León, JF Camacho
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2022 (1), 8650071, 2022
An empirical model to explain the academic performance of high school students
R Reyes Carreto, F Godínez Jaimes, FJ Ariza Hernández, ...
Perfiles educativos 36 (146), 45-62, 2014
The Basics of Structural Equations in Medicine and Health Sciences
R Reyes-Carreto, F Godinez-Jaimes, M Guzmán-Martínez
Recent Advances in Medical Statistics, 2022
Mathematical aspects on the harmonic index
RRC Juan Carlos Hernández-Gómez, Jesús Romero-Valencia
International Journal of Mathematical Analysis 11 (2), 85-95, 2017
Collineartity and separated data in the logistic regression model
F Godínez-Jaimes, G Ramírez-Valverde, R Reyes-Carreto, ...
Agrociencia 46 (4), 411-425, 2012
Prueba Bootstrap para la hipótesis de no preferencia en estudios toxicológicos con variables dicotómicas
R Reyes-Carreto, G Ramírez-Valverde
Agrociencia 36 (3), 329-335, 2002
Spatial modeling in epidemiology
MG Martínez, E Pérez-Castro, R Reyes-Carreto, R Acosta-Pech
Recent Advances in Medical Statistics, 2022
Impact of the red code process using structural equation models
E Pérez Castro, F Godínez Jaimes, E Barrera Rodríguez, ...
Selected Contributions on Statistics and Data Science in Latin America: 33 …, 2019
Bayesian Estimation of the Log–linear Exponential Regression Model with Censorship and Collinearity
FJ Ariza-Hernandez, F Godínez-Jaimes, R Reyes-Carreto
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 45 (1), 152-164, 2016
La colinealidad y la separación en los datos en el modelo de regresión logística
F Godínez-Jaimes, G Ramírez-Valverde, R Reyes-Carreto, ...
Agrociencia 46 (4), 411-425, 2012
Avances y logros de la Reforma en la Educación Superior de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero
Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, RR Carreto, J Samper-Ahumada
Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, 2009
Estimación bayesiana de las probabilidades de clasificación en mezclas de distribuciones normales
R Reyes Carreto, JA Villaseñor Alva, C Arnold, G Ramírez Valverde, ...
Montecillo, Texcoco, Estado de México: R. Reyes C.,, 2005
Hospital de la Madre y el Niño Guerrerense de Chilpancingo, Gro. y la calidad de la consulta externa
CA Solano, FG Jaimes, RR Carreto, FJ Ariza
Publicación en el Periódico Oficial, 0
Growth Curve Models and Clustering Techniques for the Study of New Sugarcane Hybrids: An Integrated Approach with K-Means, K-Medoids, and DBSCAN
CDC Moctezuma, MG Martínez, FG Jaimes, JCG Preciado, RR Carreto, ...
Preprints, 2024
Spatial Survival Model for COVID-19 in México
E Pérez-Castro, M Guzmán-Martínez, F Godínez-Jaimes, ...
Healthcare 12 (3), 306, 2024
On the Cut-Off Value of the Anteroposterior Diameter of the Midbrain Atrophy in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 2 Patients
JA Álvarez-Cuesta, C Mora-Batista, R Reyes-Carreto, FJ Carrillo-Rodes, ...
Brain Sciences 14 (1), 53, 2024
Bayesian analysis of the effect of exosomes in a mouse xenograft model of chronic myeloid leukemia
R Martínez-Fonseca, C Vargas-De-León, R Reyes-Carreto, ...
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 20 (11), 19504-19526, 2023
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Articles 1–20