Robert A. Lusardi
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Citat de
A functional flows approach to selecting ecologically relevant flow metrics for environmental flow applications
SM Yarnell, ED Stein, JA Webb, T Grantham, RA Lusardi, J Zimmerman, ...
River Research and Applications 36 (2), 318-324, 2020
State of the salmonids: Status of California's emblematic fishes, 2017
PB Moyle, RA Lusardi, PJ Samuel, JVE Katz
University of California, Davis, Center for Watershed Sciences, 2017
Oversummer growth and survival of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) across a natural gradient of stream water temperature and prey availability: an in …
RA Lusardi, BG Hammock, CA Jeffres, RA Dahlgren, JD Kiernan
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 77 (2), 413-424, 2020
Low specific conductivity limits growth and survival of the New Zealand mud snail from the Upper Owens River, California
DB Herbst, MT Bogan, RA Lusardi
Western North American Naturalist 68 (3), 324-333, 2008
Stream macrophytes increase invertebrate production and fish habitat utilization in a California stream
RA Lusardi, CA Jeffres, PB Moyle
River research and applications 34 (8), 1003-1012, 2018
Two-way trap and haul as a conservation strategy for anadromous salmonids
RA Lusardi, PB Moyle
Fisheries 42 (9), 478-487, 2017
One size does not fit all: variation in thermal eco-physiology among Pacific salmonids
KW Zillig, RA Lusardi, PB Moyle, NA Fangue
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 31 (1), 95-114, 2021
The California Environmental Flows Framework: meeting the challenges of developing a large-scale environmental flows program
ED Stein, J Zimmerman, SM Yarnell, B Stanford, B Lane, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 9, 769943, 2021
Environment shapes invertebrate assemblage structure differences between volcanic spring-fed and runoff rivers in northern California
RA Lusardi, MT Bogan, PB Moyle, RA Dahlgren
Freshwater Science 35 (3), 1010-1022, 2016
Associating metrics of hydrologic variability with benthic macroinvertebrate communities in regulated and unregulated snowmelt‐dominated rivers
AE Steel, RA Peek, RA Lusardi, SM Yarnell
Freshwater Biology 63 (8), 844-858, 2018
Modeling functional flows in California’s rivers
TE Grantham, DM Carlisle, J Howard, B Lane, R Lusardi, A Obester, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 10, 787473, 2022
Baseline assessment of physical and biological conditions within waterways on Big Springs Ranch, Siskiyou County, California
J Mount, P Moyle, M Deas, C Jeffres, R Dahlgren, J Kiernan, A King, ...
Report prepared for: California State Water Resources Control Board, 2009
Functional flows in groundwater-influenced streams: application of the California environmental flows framework to determine ecological flow needs
SM Yarnell, A Willis, A Obester, RA Peek, RA Lusardi, J Zimmerman, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 9, 788295, 2022
What is life?
WN Arnold
Leonardo 34 (4), 383-383, 2001
Modeling the effect of habitat availability and quality on endangered winter-run Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) production in the Sacramento Valley
FJ Bellido-Leiva, RA Lusardi, JR Lund
Ecological Modelling 447, 109511, 2021
Not all rivers are created equal: The importance of spring-fed rivers under a changing climate
RA Lusardi, AL Nichols, AD Willis, CA Jeffres, AH Kiers, ...
Water 13 (12), 1652, 2021
Drought and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, 2012–2016: environmental review and lessons
JR Durand, F Bombardelli, WE Fleenor, Y Henneberry, J Herman, ...
San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 18 (2), 2020
Threat evolution: negative feedbacks between management action and species recovery in threatened trout (Salmonidae)
RA Lusardi, MR Stephens, PB Moyle, CL McGuire, JM Hull
Reviews in fish biology and fisheries 25, 521-535, 2015
Interpopulation variation in thermal physiology among seasonal runs of Chinook salmon
KW Zillig, RA Lusardi, DE Cocherell, NA Fangue
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 80 (1), 1-13, 2022
When humans work like beavers: Riparian restoration enhances invertebrate gamma diversity and habitat heterogeneity
NJ Corline, P Vasquez‐Housley, E Yokel, C Gilmore, B Stapleton, ...
Restoration Ecology 31 (1), e13690, 2023
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