Philip L. Cochran
Philip L. Cochran
Thomas W. Binford Chair of Corporate Citizenship and Professor of Manangement, Indiana University
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Cited by
The evolution of the corporate social performance model
SL Wartick, PL Cochran
Academy of management review 10 (4), 758-769, 1985
Corporate social responsibility and financial performance
PL Cochran, RA Wood
Academy of management Journal 27 (1), 42-56, 1984
Integrated and decoupled corporate social performance: Management commitments, external pressures, and corporate ethics practices
GR Weaver, LK Trevino, PL Cochran
Academy of management journal 42 (5), 539-552, 1999
Corporate ethics programs as control systems: Influences of executive commitment and environmental factors
GR Weaver, LK Trevino, PL Cochran
Academy of Management journal 42 (1), 41-57, 1999
The evolution of corporate social responsibility
PL Cochran
Business horizons 50 (6), 449-454, 2007
The stakeholder theory of the firm: Implications for business and society theory and research
SN Brenner, P Cochran
Proceedings of the international association for business and society 2, 897-933, 1991
Corporate ethics practices in the mid-1990s: An empirical study of the Fortune 1000
GR Weaver, LK Treviņo, PL Cochran
Citation Classics from the Journal of Business Ethics: Celebrating the First …, 2013
Symbolic or substantive document? The influence of ethics codes on financial executives' decisions
JM Stevens, H Kevin Steensma, DA Harrison, PL Cochran
Strategic Management Journal 26 (2), 181-195, 2005
The Toronto conference: Reflections on stakeholder theory
M Clarkson, M Starik, P Cochran, TM Jones
Business and Society 33 (1), 82, 1994
The composition of boards of directors and incidence of golden parachutes
PL Cochran, RA Wood, TB Jones
Academy of Management Journal 28 (3), 664-671, 1985
The stakeholder theory of the firm and organizational decision making: Some propositions and a model
SN Brenner, PL Cochran
Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 4, 405-416, 1993
Corporate governance: A review of the literature
PL Cochran, SL Wartick
(No Title), 1988
Constructing a web: Effects of power and social responsiveness on firm-stakeholder relationships
SA Welcomer, PL Cochran, G Rands, M Haggerty
Business & Society 42 (1), 43-82, 2003
Illegal Corporate Behavior and the Question of Moral Agency: An Empirical Examination
PL Cochran, D Nigh
Research in Corporate Social Performance and Policy 9, 73-91, 1987
Social responsibility and financial performance
PL Cochran, RA Woods
Academy of Management, Journal 27 (1), 42-56, 1984
Issues management and the multinational enterprise
D Nigh, PL Cochran
Management International Review, 4-12, 1987
Corporate social responsibility, corporate governance, and financial performance: Lessons from finance
R Neal, PL Cochran
Business Horizons 51 (6), 535-540, 2008
Image and the impact of public affairs management on internal stakeholders
KG Corley, PL Cochran, TG Comstock
Journal of Public Affairs: An International Journal 1 (1), 53-67, 2001
Organizations as Optical Illusions
MK De Vries, K Balazs
Organizational Dynamics 1 (34), 1-17, 2005
The average age of boards and financial performance, revisited
PL Cochran, SL Wartick, RA Wood
Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, 57-63, 1984
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Articles 1–20