Ines Spielvogel
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Digital food marketing to children: How an influencer's lifestyle can stimulate healthy food choices among children
S De Jans, I Spielvogel, B Naderer, L Hudders
Appetite 162, 105182, 2021
A treat for the eyes. An eye-tracking study on children's attention to unhealthy and healthy food cues in media content
I Spielvogel, J Matthes, B Naderer, K Karsay
Appetite 125, 63-71, 2018
Shaping children's healthy eating habits with food placements? Food placements of high and low nutritional value in cartoons, Children's BMI, food-related parental mediation …
B Naderer, J Matthes, A Binder, F Marquart, M Mayrhofer, A Obereder, ...
Appetite 120, 644-653, 2018
How brands appear in children's movies. A systematic content analysis of the past 25 Years
B Naderer, J Matthes, I Spielvogel
International Journal of Advertising 38 (2), 237-257, 2019
Again and again: Exploring the influence of disclosure repetition on children’s cognitive processing of product placement
I Spielvogel, B Naderer, J Matthes
International Journal of Advertising 39 (5), 611-630, 2020
Disclosing product placement in audiovisual media services: a practical and scientific perspective on the implementation of disclosures across the European Union
I Spielvogel, B Naderer, J Matthes
International Journal of Advertising 40 (1), 5-25, 2021
Food as an eye‐catcher. An eye‐tracking study on Children's attention to healthy and unhealthy food presentations as well as non‐edible objects in audiovisual media
B Naderer, A Binder, J Matthes, I Spielvogel, M Forrai
Pediatric Obesity 15 (3), e12591, 2020
Fiction Is Sweet. The impact of media consumption on the development of children’s nutritional knowledge and the moderating role of parental food-related mediation. A …
A Binder, B Naderer, J Matthes, I Spielvogel
Nutrients 12 (5), 1478, 2020
Advertising Literacy: How Can Children and Adolescents Deal with Persuasive Messages in a Complex Media Environment?
B Naderer, NS Borchers, R Wendt, TN Naab, C Lampert, M Haas, ...
OAPublishing Collective, 2021
The forbidden reward. The emergence of parent-child conflicts about food over time and the influence of parents' communication strategies and feeding practices
I Spielvogel, B Naderer, A Binder, J Matthes
Frontiers in Public Health 8, 604702, 2021
“Context, Please?” The Effects of Appearance-and Health-Frames and Media Context on Body-Related Outcomes
A Binder, S Noetzel, I Spielvogel, J Matthes
Frontiers in Public Health 9, 637354, 2021
A Path Toward a More Understandable Advertising Disclosure for Children: Conceptualizing Determining Factors for Disclosure Effectiveness and Opportunities for Future Research
IK Spielvogel
MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung 43, 97-126, 2021
Effects of Food Depictions in Entertainment Media on Children’s Unhealthy Food Preferences: Content Analysis Linked With Panel Data
J Matthes, A Binder, B Naderer, M Forrai, I Spielvogel, H Knupfer, ...
JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting 7 (1), e51429, 2024
How news consumption in modern media landscapes relates to threats perceptions and fears in public spaces. A scoping review
I Spielvogel, K Koban, J Matthes
Journal of Risk Research, 1-22, 2024
Mitigating product placement effects induced by repeated exposure: Testing the effects of existing textual disclosures in children’s movies on disclosure awareness
I Spielvogel, A Binder, J Matthes
Communications, 2024
What needs to match up?: How social media influencer-brand-fit and perceived similarity affect source credibility and brand evaluation
IK Spielvogel
„Unterstützt durch Produktplatzierung “: Die Perspektive der Eltern gegenüber Regulierungsmaßnahmen für eingebettete Werbeformen in Film und Fernsehen
I Spielvogel, B Naderer, J Matthes, A Obereder
SCM Studies in Communication and Media 9 (2), 308-340, 2020
The impact of watching movies and series on children’s BMI and the moderating role of perceived parental food rules. A longitudinal study
B Naderer, I Spielvogel, J Matthes, A Binder, M Forrai, H Knupfer, ...
Lack of context? Frequency and normative orientation of reporting on …, 0
How Healthy and Unhealthy Food Appears in Movies and Series for Children
A Binder, B Naderer, J Matthes, R Heiss, I Spielvogel, M Forrai, H Knupfer, ...
Book of, 20, 0
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Articles 1–19