Thomas N. Buckley
Thomas N. Buckley
Department of Plant Sciences, UC Davis
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Plant responses to rising vapor pressure deficit
C Grossiord, TN Buckley, LA Cernusak, KA Novick, B Poulter, ...
New phytologist 226 (6), 1550-1566, 2020
The control of stomata by water balance
TN Buckley
New phytologist 168 (2), 275-292, 2005
How do stomata respond to water status?
TN Buckley
New Phytologist 224 (1), 21-36, 2019
A hydromechanical and biochemical model of stomatal conductance
TN Buckley, KA Mott, GD Farquhar
Plant, Cell & Environment 26 (10), 1767-1785, 2003
How does biomass distribution change with size and differ among species? An analysis for 1200 plant species from five continents
H Poorter, AM Jagodzinski, R Ruiz‐Peinado, S Kuyah, Y Luo, J Oleksyn, ...
New Phytologist 208 (3), 736-749, 2015
Evidence for Involvement of Photosynthetic Processes in the Stomatal Response to CO2
SM Messinger, TN Buckley, KA Mott
Plant physiology 140 (2), 771-778, 2006
Outside-xylem vulnerability, not xylem embolism, controls leaf hydraulic decline during dehydration
C Scoffoni, C Albuquerque, CR Brodersen, SV Townes, GP John, ...
Plant physiology 173 (2), 1197-1210, 2017
Modelling stomatal conductance in response to environmental factors
TN Buckley, KA Mott
Plant, cell & environment 36 (9), 1691-1699, 2013
How does leaf anatomy influence water transport outside the xylem?
TN Buckley, GP John, C Scoffoni, L Sack
Plant Physiology 168 (4), 1616-1635, 2015
Modeling stomatal conductance
TN Buckley
Plant physiology 174 (2), 572-582, 2017
Leaf day respiration: low CO2 flux but high significance for metabolism and carbon balance
G Tcherkez, P Gauthier, TN Buckley, FA Busch, MM Barbour, D Bruhn, ...
New Phytologist 216 (4), 986-1001, 2017
Patchy stomatal conductance: emergent collective behaviour of stomata
KA Mott, TN Buckley
Trends in plant science 5 (6), 258-262, 2000
The anatomical and compositional basis of leaf mass per area
GP John, C Scoffoni, TN Buckley, R Villar, H Poorter, L Sack
Ecology letters 20 (4), 412-425, 2017
Tamm Review: Reforestation for resilience in dry western U.S. forests
MP North, JT Stevens, DF Greene, M Coppoletta, EE Knapp, AM Latimer, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 432, 209-224, 2019
Most stomatal closure in woody species under moderate drought can be explained by stomatal responses to leaf turgor
CM Rodriguez‐Dominguez, TN Buckley, G Egea, A de Cires, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 39 (9), 2014-2026, 2016
Optimal stomatal control in relation to leaf area and nitrogen content
GD Farquhar, TN Buckley, JM Miller
Silva Fennica 36 (3), 625-637, 2002
The contributions of apoplastic, symplastic and gas phase pathways for water transport outside the bundle sheath in leaves
TN Buckley
Plant, Cell & Environment 38 (1), 7-22, 2015
Guard cell volume and pressure measured concurrently by confocal microscopy and the cell pressure probe
PJ Franks, TN Buckley, JC Shope, KA Mott
Plant physiology 125 (4), 1577-1584, 2001
Leaf vein xylem conduit diameter influences susceptibility to embolism and hydraulic decline
C Scoffoni, C Albuquerque, CR Brodersen, SV Townes, GP John, ...
New Phytologist 213 (3), 1076-1092, 2017
Stomatal heterogeneity
KA Mott, TN Buckley
Journal of Experimental Botany, 407-417, 1998
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Articles 1–20