Je Seok Lee
Je Seok Lee
Blizzard Entertainment
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Esports research: A literature review
JG Reitman, MJ Anderson-Coto, M Wu, JS Lee, C Steinkuehler
Games and Culture 15 (1), 32-50, 2020
Understanding Tilt in Esports: A Study on Young League of Legends Players
M Wu, JS Lee, C Steinkuehler
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2021
Understanding esports as a stem career ready curriculum in the wild
CG Anderson, AM Tsaasan, J Reitman, JS Lee, M Wu, H Steel, T Turner, ...
2018 10th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious …, 2018
Tell me before you stream me: Managing information disclosure in video game live streaming
Y Li, Y Kou, JS Lee, A Kobsa
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2 (CSCW), 1-18, 2018
Designing an interest-based integrated curriculum around esports.
JS Lee, M Wu, D Lee, L Fleming, L Ruben, T Turner, K Brown, ...
International Journal of Designs for Learning 11 (3), 78-95, 2020
Esports as a catalyst for connected learning: the North America Scholastics Esports Federation
JS Lee, C Steinkuehler
XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students 25 (4), 54-59, 2019
Hi Grandpa! A communication Tool Connecting Grandparents and Grandchildren Living Apart
JS Lee, S Liang, S Park, C Yan
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer …, 2015
TalkingCane: Designing Interactive White Cane for Visually Impaired People's Bus Usage
JS Lee, H Choi, J Lee
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer …, 2015
Enriched Esports: The Design and Four-Year Examination of a School-Affiliated Competitive Videogame Program for Youth
C Steinkuehler, CG Anderson, JG Reitman, JS Lee, M Wu, G Wells, ...
Journal of Interactive Learning Research 34 (1), 59-119, 2023
Exploring Stress in Esports Gaming: Physiological and Data-driven approach on Tilt
JS Lee
UC Irvine, 2021
자폐 범주성 장애 아동의 인지발달 향상을 위한 키넥트 기반 기능성 게임 개발
김성인, 염경탁, 박호준, 이제석, 은진수, 변지민, 신동평, 이건우
한국 HCI 학회 학술대회, 21-24, 2014
ContActive: 최적의 대인 커뮤니케이션 채널 선택을 위한 스마트폰 연락처 어플리케이션 인터페이스 제안
임하진, 이제석, 이준환
한국 HCI 학회 학술대회, 397-401, 2013
Designing an Interest-Based English Language Arts Curriculum around Esports
JS Lee, M Wu, D Lee, L Fleming, L Ruben, T Turner, K Brown, ...
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Articles 1–13