Dr. Frances Fabian
Dr. Frances Fabian
Assoc. Professor of Strategy, The University of Memphis
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Strategies for online communities
KD Miller, F Fabian, SJ Lin
Strategic management journal 30 (3), 305-322, 2009
Keeping the tension: Pressures to keep the controversy in the management discipline
FH Fabian
Academy of Management Review 25 (2), 350-371, 2000
The interpretation and resolution of resource allocation issues in professional organizations: a critical examination of the professional‐manager dichotomy
BR Golden, JM Dukerich, FH Fabian
Journal of Management Studies 37 (8), 1157-1188, 2000
Understanding decisions to internationalize by small and medium-sized firms located in an emerging market
F Fabian, H Molina, G Labianca
Management International Review 49, 537-563, 2009
Offshoring satisfaction: The role of partnership credibility and cultural complementarity
J Clampit, B Kedia, F Fabian, N Gaffney
Journal of World Business 50 (1), 79-93, 2015
Globalization, economic development, and corruption: A cross-lagged contingency perspective
R Aïssaoui, F Fabian
Journal of International Business Policy 5 (1), 1, 2021
Hunting while working: An expanded model of employed job search.
J Trusty, DG Allen, F Fabian
Human Resource Management Review, 29 (1), 28-42, 2019
Social media use to support entrepreneurship in the face of disruption
H Ajjan, F Fabian, D Tomczyk, H Hattab
Journal of developmental entrepreneurship 20 (03), 1550014, 2015
Information Asymmetry and Host Country Institutions in Cross-Border Acquisitions
F Reddy, R.K., Fabian
Management International Review, 2021
IT-enabled Interorganizational Information Sharing Under Co-opetition in Disasters: A Game-Theoretic Framework
T Wakolbiner, F Fabian, WJ Kettinger
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 33 (1), 5-14, 2013
Tailoring Entrepreneurship Education: Exploring Components of Entrepreneurship Education for Underrepresented Groups
P Bryant, F Fabian, E Kinnamon, P Wright
Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship 23 (2), 1-24, 2012
Fractals of strategic coherence in a successful nonprofit organization
JA Black, KT Hinrichs, FH Fabian
Nonprofit Management and Leadership 17 (4), 421-441, 2007
Real options and strategic bankruptcy
T Kang, SD James, F Fabian
Journal of Business Research 117, 152-162, 2020
Chaos in Industry Environments
J Ndofor, H., Fabian, F, and Michel
. IEEE Transactions in Engineering Management, 2018
The French paradox: Implications for variations in global convergence
R Aïssaoui, F Fabian
Journal of International Management 21 (1), 31-48, 2015
A fractal perspective on competencies necessary for managing information systems
G Dhillon, F Fabian
International Journal of Technology Management 31 (1-2), 129-139, 2005
The Conflicting Drivers of Entrepreneurial Ethics
R Steinbauer, N Rhew, E Kinnamon, F Fabian
Journal of Ethics & Entrepreneurship 4 (1), 57-72, 2014
The context of entrepreneurial processes: one size does not fit all
F Fabian, H Achidi Ndofor
Entrepreneurial Strategic Processes, 249-279, 2007
Losing managerial discretion: The unexplored risk of collaborative information sharing.
F Fabian, G Dhillon
Journal of Information Science & Technology 4 (1), 2007
Fractals, nested resources and competence based competition
JA Black, FH Fabian
2000) Theory Development for Competence-Based Strategic Management …, 2000
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Articles 1–20