Roman Shor
Cited by
Cited by
Torsional vibrations with bit off bottom: Modeling, characterization and field data validation
UJF Aarsnes, RJ Shor
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 163, 712-721, 2018
Avoiding stick slip vibrations in drilling through startup trajectory design
UJF Aarsnes, F Di Meglio, RJ Shor
Journal of Process Control 70, 24-35, 2018
For better or worse: applications of the transfer matrix approach for analyzing axial and torsional vibration
RJ Shor, MW Dykstra, OJ Hoffmann, M Coming
SPE/IADC Drilling Conference and Exhibition, D031S016R003, 2015
Reducing proppant flowback from fractures: factors affecting the maximum flowback rate
RJ Shor, MM Sharma
SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, SPE-168649-MS, 2014
Creating open source models, test cases, and data for oilfield drilling challenges
P Pastusek, G Payette, R Shor, E Cayeux, UJ Aarsnes, J Hedengren, ...
SPE/IADC Drilling Conference and Exhibition, D031S016R001, 2019
Estimating friction factors while drilling
UJF Aarsnes, J Auriol, F Di Meglio, RJ Shor
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 179, 80-91, 2019
OpenLab: Design and applications of a modern drilling digitalization infrastructure
N Saadallah, JE Gravdal, R Ewald, S Moi, A Ambrus, B Daireaux, ...
SPE Norway Subsurface Conference?, D011S002R002, 2019
Estimating downhole vibration via machine learning techniques using only surface drilling parameters
P Okoli, J Cruz Vega, R Shor
SPE Western Regional Meeting, D022S019R005, 2019
Drillstring vibration observation, modeling and prevention in the oil and gas industry
RJ Shor, M Pryor, E Van Oort
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 46209, V003T37A004, 2014
Benchmarking of industrial stick-slip mitigation controllers
UJF Aarsnes, F Di Meglio, RJ Shor
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (8), 233-238, 2018
Investigation of pipe rocking and agitator effectiveness on friction reduction during slide drilling
H Zhang, P Ashok, E van Oort, R Shor
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 204, 108720, 2021
From shallow horizontal drilling to ERD wells: How scale affects drillability and the management of drilling incidents
E Cayeux, R Shor, A Ambrus, P Pournazari, P Ashok, E van Oort
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 160, 91-105, 2018
Overcoming barriers to adoption of drilling automation: Moving towards automated well manufacturing
A Ambrus, P Pournazari, P Ashok, R Shor, E van Oort
SPE/IADC Drilling Conference and Exhibition, D021S010R002, 2015
A sensing and computational framework for estimating the seismic velocities of rocks interacting with the drill bit
J Auriol, N Kazemi, RJ Shor, KA Innanen, ID Gates
IEEE Transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 58 (5), 3178-3189, 2019
Comparing advanced control strategies to eliminate stick-slip oscillations in drillstrings
J Auriol, I Boussaada, RJ Shor, H Mounier, SI Niculescu
IEEE Access 10, 10949-10969, 2022
Closed-loop tool face control with the bit off-bottom
J Auriol, RJ Shor, UJF Aarsnes, F Di Meglio
Journal of Process Control 90, 35-45, 2020
Look ahead of the bit while drilling: Potential impacts and challenges of acoustic seismic while drilling in the mcmurray formation
S Nejadi, N Kazemi, JA Curkan, J Auriol, PR Durkin, SM Hubbard, ...
SPE Journal 25 (05), 2194-2205, 2020
Robust control design of underactuated 2× 2 PDE-ODE-PDE systems
J Auriol, UJF Aarsnes, F Di Meglio, R Shor
IEEE control systems letters 5 (2), 469-474, 2020
Can fossil fuel energy be recovered and used without any CO2 emissions to the atmosphere?
B Novotnik, A Nandy, SV Venkatesan, JR Radović, JD Fuente, S Nejadi, ...
Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology 19, 217-240, 2020
Optimization of placement of flow control devices under geological uncertainty in steam assisted gravity drainage
S Nejadi, SM Hubbard, RJ Shor, ID Gates, J Wang
SPE Thermal Integrity and Design Symposium, D033S007R002, 2018
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Articles 1–20