Ormonde Cragun
Cited by
Cited by
Making CEO narcissism research great: A review and meta-analysis of CEO narcissism
OR Cragun, KJ Olsen, PM Wright
Journal of Management 46 (6), 908-936, 2020
Collective pay for performance: A cross-disciplinary review and meta-analysis
AJ Nyberg, MA Maltarich, DD Abdulsalam, SM Essman, O Cragun
Journal of Management 44 (6), 2433-2472, 2018
CEO succession: what we know and where to go?
OR Cragun, AJ Nyberg, PM Wright
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance 3 (3), 222-264, 2016
Chief executive officer succession and board decision making: Review and suggestions for advancing industrial and organizational psychology, human resources management, and …
AJ Nyberg, OR Cragun, DJ Schepker
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 8 (1 …, 2021
Human capital resource complementarities
RE Ployhart, OR Cragun
The Oxford handbook of talent management 115, 134-149, 2017
Succession planning: Talent management’s forgotten, but critical tool
AJ Nyberg, DJ Schepker, OR Cragun, PM Wright
A Strategic Recruiting System Model for Integrating Human Capital Resources to Solve Strategic Organizational Challenges
AJ Nyberg, G Reilly, OR Cragun
Essentials of Employee Recruitment, 56-76, 2024
Antecedents to the selection of CEOs with higher levels of narcissism and how CEOs with higher levels of narcissism affect the CEO succession process
OR Cragun
University of South Carolina, 2018
Artificial intelligence and pay information disclosure: changing how pay is communicated
AJ Nyberg, OR Cragun, SA Conroy, I Weller
Compensation & Benefits Review 56 (2), 58-75, 2024
Succession planning
AJ Nyberg, DJ Schepker, OR Cragun, PM Wright
The Oxford Handbook of Talent Management, 2017
CEO narcissism, CEO humility, and C-suite dynamics
PM Wright, OR Cragun, AJ Nyberg, DJ Schepker, MD Ulrich
Center for Executive Succession, 2016
Succession planning
OR Cragun, PM Wright
The Oxford Handbook of Talent Management, 318, 2017
The effects of pay equity perceptions and pay transparency on personal pay disclosure
O Cragun, J Kautz, L Xiu
Academy of Management Proceedings 2021 (1), 15139, 2021
Diversity in CEO succession pools: Present state, past obstacles, and future solutions
PM Wright, AJ Nyberg, DJ Schepker, O Cragun, C Hymer
Dynamic succession theory: An integration of dynamic capabilities and succession planning research
O Cragun
Academy of Management Proceedings 2017 (1), 17337, 2017
The changing chief human resources officer role: Results of the 2016 HR@ Moore Survey of Chief HR Officers
PM Wright, AJ Nyberg, DJ Schepker, O Cragun, MD Ulrich
56 A Strategic Recruiting System Model for Integrating Human Capital Resources to Solve Strategic Organizational Challenges
AJ Nyberg, G Reilly, OR Cragun
Essentials of employee recruitment: Individual and organizational …, 0
Teaching Employees About Pay Helps Avoid Transparency Problems
OR Cragun, J Kautz, L Xiu
The Journal of Total Rewards 32 (4), 1-2, 2023
Pay equity perceptions and pay disclosure preferences: the moderating role of pay transparency
O Cragun, J Kautz, L Xiu
Nankai Business Review International 15 (3), 542-559, 2024
Disrupting Total Rewards: The Synergistic Convergence of Artificial Intelligence and Pay Information Disclosure
OR Cragun, AJ Nyberg
The Journal of Total Rewards 33 (2), 1-2, 2024
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Articles 1–20