Stratos Keranidis
Stratos Keranidis
R&D Director, domx IoT Technologies
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Online energy consumption monitoring of wireless testbed infrastructure through the NITOS EMF framework
S Keranidis, G Kazdaridis, V Passas, T Korakis, I Koutsopoulos, ...
Proceedings of the 8th ACM international workshop on Wireless network …, 2013
Federation of Internet of Things testbeds for the realization of a semantically-enabled multi-domain data marketplace
L Sánchez, J Lanza, JR Santana, R Agarwal, PG Raverdy, T Elsaleh, ...
Sensors 18 (10), 3375, 2018
Contention and traffic load-aware association in IEEE 802.11 WLANs: Algorithms and implementation
S Keranidis, T Korakis, I Koutsopoulos, L Tassiulas
2011 International Symposium of Modeling and Optimization of Mobile, Ad Hoc …, 2011
Smart charging business model framework for electric vehicle aggregators
KD Afentoulis, ZN Bampos, SI Vagropoulos, SD Keranidis, PN Biskas
Applied Energy 328, 120179, 2022
Experimental evaluation and comparative study on energy efficiency of the evolving IEEE 802.11 standards
S Keranidis, G Kazdaridis, N Makris, T Korakis, I Koutsopoulos, ...
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Future energy systems …, 2014
On the employment of machine learning techniques for troubleshooting WiFi networks
I Syrigos, N Sakellariou, S Keranidis, T Korakis
2019 16th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC …, 2019
Minimization of natural gas consumption of domestic boilers with convolutional, long-short term memory neural networks and genetic algorithm
GI Tsoumalis, ZN Bampos, GV Chatzis, PN Biskas, SD Keranidis
Applied Energy 299, 117256, 2021
NITOS energy monitoring framework: real time power monitoring in experimental wireless network deployments
S Keranidis, G Kazdaridis, V Passas, T Korakis, I Koutsopoulos, ...
ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review 18 (1), 64-74, 2014
Evaluation of lora performance in a city-wide testbed: Experimentation insights and findings
G Kazdaridis, S Keranidis, P Symeonidis, P Tzimotoudis, ...
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds …, 2019
Various detection techniques and platforms for monitoring interference condition in a wireless testbed
W Liu, S Keranidis, M Mehari, J Vanhie-Van Gerwen, S Bouckaert, ...
Measurement Methodology and Tools: First European Workshop, FP7 FIRE/EULER …, 2013
Everun: Enabling power consumption monitoring in underwater networking platforms
G Kazdaridis, S Keranidis, P Symeonidis, PS Dias, P Gonçalves, ...
Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental …, 2017
Experimentation in Heterogeneous European Testbeds through the Onelab Facility: The case of PlanetLab federation with the wireless NITOS Testbed
S Keranidis, D Giatsios, T Korakis, I Koutsopoulos, L Tassiulas, ...
Testbeds and Research Infrastructure. Development of Networks and …, 2012
Novel metrics and experimentation insights for dynamic frequency selection in wireless LANs
G Kazdaridis, S Keranidis, A Fiamegkos, T Korakis, I Koutsopoulos, ...
Proceedings of the 6th ACM international workshop on Wireless network …, 2011
Towards the efficient performance of LTE-A systems: Implementing a cell planning framework based on cognitive sensing
V Passas, N Makris, S Keranidis, T Korakis, L Tassiulas
2014 1st International Workshop on Cognitive Cellular Systems (CCS), 1-5, 2014
Characterizing the impact of interference through spectral analysis on commercial 802.11 devices
K Chounos, S Keranidis, T Korakis, L Tassiulas
2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2017
Experimentation on end-to-end performance aware algorithms in the federated environment of the heterogeneous PlanetLab and NITOS testbeds
S Keranidis, D Giatsios, T Korakis, I Koutsopoulos, L Tassiulas, ...
Computer Networks 63, 48-67, 2014
Enabling AGILE spectrum adaptation in commercial 802.11 WLAN deployments
S Keranidis, K Chounos, T Korakis, I Koutsopoulos, L Tassiulas
Proceedings of the 20th annual international conference on Mobile computing …, 2014
Enabling wireless lan troubleshooting
I Syrigos, S Keranidis, T Korakis, C Dovrolis
Passive and Active Measurement: 16th International Conference, PAM 2015, New …, 2015
Authentication, authorization, and selective disclosure for iot data sharing using verifiable credentials and zero-knowledge proofs
N Fotiou, I Pittaras, S Chadoulos, VA Siris, GC Polyzos, N Ipiotis, ...
International Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Authorization and …, 2022
Optimization driven multi-hop network design and experimentation: the approach of the FP7 project OPNEX
K Choumas, S Keranidis, I Koutsopoulos, T Korakis, L Tassiulas, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 50 (6), 122-130, 2012
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Articles 1–20