Adriana Baban
Adriana Baban
Professor in psychology, Babes-Bolyai University
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Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on mental health: An international study
AT Gloster, D Lamnisos, J Lubenko, G Presti, V Squatrito, M Constantinou, ...
PloS one 15 (12), e0244809, 2020
Adverse childhood experiences and associations with health-harming behaviours in young adults: surveys in eight eastern European countries
MA Bellis, K Hughes, N Leckenby, L Jones, A Baban, M Kachaeva, ...
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 92, 641-655, 2014
Psychosocial determinants of irritable bowel syndrome
T Surdea-Blaga, A Băban, DL Dumitrascu
World journal of gastroenterology: WJG 18 (7), 616, 2012
An international comparison of tobacco smoking, beliefs and risk awareness in university students from 23 countries
A Steptoe, J Wardle, W Cui, A Baban, K Glass, Karl Pelzer, A Tsuda, ...
Addiction 97 (12), 1561-1571, 2002
Burnout and health behaviors in health professionals from seven European countries
A Alexandrova-Karamanova, I Todorova, A Montgomery, ...
International archives of occupational and environmental health 89, 1059-1075, 2016
Job demands, burnout, and engagement among nurses: A multi-level analysis of ORCAB data investigating the moderating effect of teamwork
A Montgomery, F Spānu, A Băban, E Panagopoulou
Burnout research 2 (2-3), 71-79, 2015
On the development of perfectionism in adolescence: Perceived parental expectations predict longitudinal increases in socially prescribed perfectionism
LE Damian, J Stoeber, O Negru, A Băban
Personality and Individual Differences 55 (6), 688-693, 2013
Stres şi personalitate
A Băban
Presa Universitară Clujeană, 1998
Changing health-risk behaviors: A review of theory and evidence-based interventions in health psychology.
A Baban, C Craciun
Journal of Cognitive & Behavioral Psychotherapies 7 (1), 2007
Systematic review of burnout risk factors among European healthcare professionals
M Bria, A Baban, DL Dumitrascu
Cognition, Brain, Behavior: An Interdisciplinary Journal 16 (3), 423-452, 2012
Maslach burnout inventory–general survey: factorial validity and invariance among Romanian healthcare professionals
M Bria, F Spānu, A Băban, DL Dumitraşcu
Burnout Research 1 (3), 103-111, 2014
Improving quality and safety in the hospital: The link between organizational culture, burnout, and quality of care
A Montgomery, I Todorova, A Baban, E Panagopoulou
British journal of health psychology 18 (3), 656-662, 2013
Consiliere educaţională
A Băban
Cluj–Napoca, Editura Imprimeria Ardealul, 2001
On the development of perfectionism: The longitudinal role of academic achievement and academic efficacy
LE Damian, J Stoeber, O Negru‐Subtirica, A Băban
Journal of personality 85 (4), 565-577, 2017
Message framing in vaccine communication: a systematic review of published literature
MA Penţa, A Băban
Health communication 33 (3), 299-314, 2018
Psychological stress and breast cancer incidence: a systematic review
VF Chiriac, A Baban, DL Dumitrascu
Clujul Medical 91 (1), 18, 2018
“Who will take the blame?”: Understanding the reasons why Romanian mothers decline HPV vaccination for their daughters
C Craciun, A Baban
Vaccine 30 (48), 6789-6793, 2012
Psychometric properties of the adverse childhood experiences abuse short form (ACE-ASF) among Romanian high school students
F Meinck, AP Cosma, C Mikton, A Baban
Child abuse & neglect 72, 326-337, 2017
Measuring and monitoring national prevalence of child maltreatment: a practical handbook
F Meinck, J Steinert, D Sethi, R Gilbert, M Bellis, L Alink, A Baban
Measuring and monitoring national prevalence of child maltreatment: a …, 2016
Adverse childhood experiences, childhood relationships and associated substance use and mental health in young Europeans
K Hughes, MA Bellis, D Sethi, R Andrew, Y Yon, S Wood, K Ford, A Baban, ...
European journal of public health 29 (4), 741-747, 2019
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Articles 1–20