Yunjie (Calvin) Xu
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Cited by
Which is more important in Internet shopping, perceived price or trust?
HW Kim, Y Xu, S Gupta
Electronic commerce research and applications 11 (3), 241-252, 2012
Studying users' computer security behavior: A health belief perspective
BY Ng, A Kankanhalli, YC Xu
Decision Support Systems 46 (4), 815-825, 2009
A Comparison of Online Trust Building Factors between Potential Customers and Repeat Customers
HW Kim, Y Xu, J Koh
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 5 (10), 392-420, 2004
Relevance judgment: What do information users consider beyond topicality?
YC Xu, Z Chen
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 57 (7 …, 2006
Privacy concerns for mobile app download: An elaboration likelihood model perspective
J Gu, YC Xu, H Xu, C Zhang, H Ling
Decision Support Systems 94, 19-28, 2017
The role of mutual trust in building members' loyalty to a C2C platform provider
J Chen, C Zhang, Y Xu
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 14 (1), 147-171, 2009
Designing Not Just for Pleasure: Effects of Web Site Aesthetics on Consumer Shopping Value
S Cai, Y Xu
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 15 (4), 159-188, 2011
Effects of outcome, process and shopping enjoyment on online consumer behaviour
S Cai, Y Xu
Electronic Commerce research and applications 5 (4), 272-281, 2006
Retaining and attracting users in social networking services: An empirical investigation of cyber migration
YC Xu, Y Yang, Z Cheng, J Lim
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 23 (3), 239-253, 2014
Building caries risk assessment models for children
XL Gao, CYS Hsu, Y Xu, HB Hwarng, T Loh, D Koh
Journal of dental research 89 (6), 637-643, 2010
Who will you ask? An empirical study of interpersonal task information seeking
Y Xu, BCY Tan, L Yang
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 57 …, 2006
Contemporaneous and delayed sales impact of location-based mobile promotions
Z Fang, B Gu, X Luo, Y Xu
Information Systems Research 26 (3), 552-564, 2015
A Context-based Investigation into Source Use by Information Seekers
NK Agarwal, Y Xu, DCC Poo
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 62 (6 …, 2011
Integrating social networking support for dyadic knowledge exchange: A study in a virtual community of practice
Y Pan, YC Xu, X Wang, C Zhang, H Ling, J Lin
Information & Management 52 (1), 61-70, 2015
Brand extension of online technology products: Evidence from search engine to virtual communities and online news
P Song, C Zhang, YC Xu, L Huang
Decision support systems 49 (1), 91-99, 2010
Attributes of web site usability: a study of web users with the repertory grid technique
LL Tung, Y Xu, FB Tan
International journal of electronic commerce 13 (4), 97-126, 2009
Task and Social Information Seeking: Whom Do We Prefer and Whom Do We Approach?
Y Xu, HW Kim, A Kankanhalli
Journal of Management Information Systems 27 (3), 211-240, 2010
Behavioral pathways explaining oral health disparity in children
XL Gao, CYS Hsu, YC Xu, T Loh, D Koh, HB Hwarng
Journal of dental research 89 (9), 985-990, 2010
Dental caries prevalence and distribution among preschoolers in Singapore.
XL Gao, CY Hsu, T Loh, D Koh, HB Hwamg, Y Xu
Community dental health 26 (1), 12, 2009
Factors Affecting 3G Adoption: An Empirical Study
NK Agarwal, Z Wang, Y Xu, DCC Poo
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