Cultura legumelor D Indrea, S Al Apahidean, M Apahidean Ceres, 2009 | 62 | 2009 |
The influence of plant density and shoot pruning on yield of bell pepper cultivated in plastic tunnel. D Maniutiu, R Sima, AS Apahidean, M Apahidean, D Ficior | 49 | 2010 |
Cultura legumelor, Ed D Indrea, AS Apahidean, M Apahidean, D Măniuțiu, R Sima Ceres, București, 2009 | 31 | 2009 |
Cultura legumelor și ciupercilor AS Apahidean, M Apahidean AcademicPres, 2004 | 31 | 2004 |
Importance of substrat dizinfection on Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sp.) culture D FICIOR, D INDREA, AS APAHIDEAN, M Apahidean, POP Rodica, ... Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 34, 48, 2006 | 30 | 2006 |
Legumicultură specială M Apahidean Risoprint, 2000 | 26 | 2000 |
Yield, physical and chemical characteristics of greenhouse tomato grown on soil and organic substratum S Rodica, SA Apahidean, M Apahidean, D Manitiu, L Paulette 43rd Croatian and 3rd International Symposium on Agriculture. Opatija …, 2008 | 23 | 2008 |
Headed Chinese cabbage growth and yield influenced by different manure types in organic farming system. E Laczi, A Apahidean, E Luca, A Dumitrascedilla˜, P Boancă | 16 | 2016 |
Cultura legumelor M APAHIDEAN, DN MANIUTIU, D INDREA, AS APAHIDEAN Ceres, 2012 | 15 | 2012 |
Legumicultură specială, Ed S Apahidean, A Maria Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, 35-70, 2000 | 15 | 2000 |
The Influence of Organic Fertilizers Concerning the Growth and Development of Brassica oleracea var. acephala Plants. SL BALCĂU, M APAHIDEAN, A ZAHARIA, D POP Bulletin of the University of Agricultural Sciences & Veterinary Medicine …, 2012 | 14 | 2012 |
The influence of fertilization on greenhouse tomatoes cultivated in peat bags system R Sima, D Maniutiu, AS Apahidean, M Apahidean, V Lazar, C Muresan Bulletin UASVM Horticulture 66 (1), 455-460, 2009 | 13 | 2009 |
Estimation of variability parameters of some qualitatives components at a set of sweet corn lines from turda agricultural research station L Pacurar, AI Apahidean, G Hoza, M Dinu, R Soare, M Apahidean, V Has Sci. Pap. Ser. B Hortic 62, 345-350, 2018 | 7 | 2018 |
The evaluation of yield potential and quality of fruits at tomato hybrids cultivated in greenhouse R Sima, D Măniuțiu, AS Apahidean, M Apahidean, V Lazăr, N Sima, ... Bulletin UASVM Horticulture 68, 1, 2011 | 7 | 2011 |
Legumicultura speciala AS Apahidean, M Apahidean Academicpres, 2001 | 7 | 2001 |
Vegetable Farming, Ed D Indrea, SA Apahidean, M Apahidean, D Măniuțiu, R Sima Ceres, București, 2009 | 6 | 2009 |
The response of several tomato cultivars for processing in central Transylvania conditions. II. Fruits quality A SESTRAS, M JIDAVU, R SESTRAS, M Apahidean, E HARSAN, ... Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 34, 62, 2006 | 6 | 2006 |
Effect of composition and volume of substrate on yield and fruit quality of under glass grown tomatoes. R Ganea, D Indrea, AS Apahidean, M Apahidean, D Măniuțiu, D Ficior, ... | 6 | 2002 |
Legumicultura speciala, vol II M APAHIDEAN, ALS APAHIDEAN Risoprint Cluj-Napoca, 2000 | 6 | 2000 |
InfluenŃa metodei de protejare la varza cultivată în solar AS Apahidean, M Apahidean, D MĂNIUłIU, R Ganea, I Paven, D Ficior, ... Cluj-Napoca, Buletinul USAMV-CN, 2004 | 5 | 2004 |