Mario Collura
Mario Collura
Associate Professor - SISSA, Trieste (Italy)
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Transport in Out-of-Equilibrium Chains: Exact Profiles of Charges and Currents
B Bertini, M Collura, J De Nardis, M Fagotti
Physical review letters 117 (20), 207201, 2016
Real-time confinement following a quantum quench to a non-integrable model
M Kormos, M Collura, G Takács, P Calabrese
Nature Physics 13 (3), 246-249, 2017
Relaxation after quantum quenches in the spin- Heisenberg XXZ chain
M Fagotti, M Collura, FHL Essler, P Calabrese
Physical Review B 89 (12), 125101, 2014
Equilibration of a Tonks-Girardeau gas following a trap release
M Collura, S Sotiriadis, P Calabrese
Physical review letters 110 (24), 245301, 2013
Analytic solution of the domain-wall nonequilibrium stationary state
M Collura, A De Luca, J Viti
Physical Review B 97 (8), 081111, 2018
Transport in out-of-equilibrium XXZ chains: Nonballistic behavior and correlation functions
L Piroli, J De Nardis, M Collura, B Bertini, M Fagotti
Physical Review B 96 (11), 115124, 2017
Analytic results for a quantum quench from free to hard-core one-dimensional bosons
M Kormos, M Collura, P Calabrese
Physical Review A 89 (1), 013609, 2014
Nonequilibrium spin transport in integrable spin chains: Persistent currents and emergence of magnetic domains
A De Luca, M Collura, J De Nardis
Physical Review B 96 (2), 020403, 2017
Quench dynamics of a Tonks–Girardeau gas released from a harmonic trap
M Collura, S Sotiriadis, P Calabrese
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2013 (09), P09025, 2013
Quasilocalized dynamics from confinement of quantum excitations
A Lerose, FM Surace, PP Mazza, G Perfetto, M Collura, A Gambassi
Physical Review B 102 (4), 041118, 2020
Hamiltonian truncation approach to quenches in the Ising field theory
T Rakovszky, M Mestyán, M Collura, M Kormos, G Takács
Nuclear Physics B 911, 805-845, 2016
Growth of entanglement entropy under local projective measurements
M Coppola, E Tirrito, D Karevski, M Collura
Physical Review B 105 (9), 094303, 2022
Suppression of transport in nondisordered quantum spin chains due to confined excitations
PP Mazza, G Perfetto, A Lerose, M Collura, A Gambassi
Physical Review B 99 (18), 180302, 2019
Stationary entanglement entropies following an interaction quench in 1D Bose gas
M Collura, M Kormos, P Calabrese
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2014 (1), P01009, 2014
Two-dimensional quantum-link lattice quantum electrodynamics at finite density
T Felser, P Silvi, M Collura, S Montangero
Physical Review X 10 (4), 041040, 2020
Real-time-dynamics quantum simulation of lattice QED with Rydberg atoms
S Notarnicola, M Collura, S Montangero
Physical Review Research 2 (1), 013288, 2020
Avoiding barren plateaus via transferability of smooth solutions in a Hamiltonian variational ansatz
AA Mele, GB Mbeng, GE Santoro, M Collura, P Torta
Physical Review A 106 (6), L060401, 2022
Quantum quench from a thermal tensor state: Boundary effects and generalized Gibbs ensemble
M Collura, D Karevski
Physical Review B 89 (21), 214308, 2014
Full counting statistics in the gapped XXZ spin chain
P Calabrese, M Collura, G Di Giulio, S Murciano
Europhysics Letters 129 (6), 60007, 2020
Quantum quench within the gapless phase of the Heisenberg XXZ spin chain
M Collura, P Calabrese, FHL Essler
Physical Review B 92 (12), 125131, 2015
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