Tree automata techniques and applications H Comon, M Dauchet, R Gilleron, F Jacquemard, D Lugiez, C Löding, ... | 1695 | 2008 |
Tree automata techniques and applications (2007) H Comon, M Dauchet, R Gilleron, F Jacquemard, D Lugiez, S Tison, ... | 434 | 2007 |
Equational problems anddisunification H Comon, P Lescanne Journal of Symbolic Computation 7 (3-4), 371-425, 1989 | 326 | 1989 |
Multiple counters automata, safety analysis and Presburger arithmetic H Comon, Y Jurski Computer Aided Verification: 10th International Conference, CAV'98 Vancouver …, 1998 | 291 | 1998 |
Intruder deductions, constraint solving and insecurity decision in presence of exclusive or H Comon-Lundh, V Shmatikov 18th Annual IEEE Symposium of Logic in Computer Science, 2003. Proceedings …, 2003 | 254 | 2003 |
The finite variant property: How to get rid of some algebraic properties H Comon-Lundh, S Delaune International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 294-307, 2005 | 228 | 2005 |
Disuni cation: a survey H Comon Computational Logic. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1991 | 213 | 1991 |
Diophantine equations, Presburger arithmetic and finite automata A Boudet, H Comon Trees in Algebra and Programming—CAAP'96: 21st International Colloquium …, 1996 | 163 | 1996 |
Computational soundness of observational equivalence H Comon-Lundh, V Cortier Proceedings of the 15th ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2008 | 131 | 2008 |
New decidability results for fragments of first-order logic and application to cryptographic protocols H Comon-Lundh, V Cortier International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 148-164, 2003 | 127 | 2003 |
Inductionless induction H Comon Handbook of Automated Reasoning, 913-962, 2001 | 124 | 2001 |
Timed automata and the theory of real numbers H Comon, Y Jurski International Conference on Concurrency Theory, 242-257, 1999 | 116 | 1999 |
Completion of rewrite systems with membership constraints Part I: Deduction rules H Comon Journal of Symbolic Computation 25 (4), 397-419, 1998 | 114* | 1998 |
Is it possible to decide whether a cryptographic protocol is secure or not? H Comon, V Shmatikov Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 5-15, 2002 | 113 | 2002 |
Equational formulas with membership constraints H Comon, C Delor Information and Computation 112 (2), 167-216, 1994 | 110 | 1994 |
Unification et disunification: Théorie et applications H Comon Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble-INPG, 1988 | 109 | 1988 |
Tree automata with one memory set constraints and cryptographic protocols H Comon, V Cortier Theoretical Computer Science 331 (1), 143-214, 2005 | 106 | 2005 |
Models and proofs of protocol security: A progress report M Abadi, B Blanchet, H Comon-Lundh Computer Aided Verification: 21st International Conference, CAV 2009 …, 2009 | 103 | 2009 |
Solving symbolic ordering constraints H Comon International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 1 (04), 387-411, 1990 | 102 | 1990 |
Security properties: two agents are sufficient H Comon-Lundh, V Cortier European Symposium On Programming, 99-113, 2003 | 96 | 2003 |