Zack Lischer-Katz
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Cited by
Challenges and strategies for educational virtual reality: Results of an expert-led forum on 3D/VR technologies across academic institutions
M Cook, Z Lischer-Katz, N Hall, J Hardesty, J Johnson, R McDonald, ...
Information Technology and Libraries 38 (4), 25-48, 2019
3D/VR in the Academic Library: Emerging Practices and Trends. Council on Library and Information Resources Publication 176
J Grayburn, Z Lischer-Katz, K Golubiewski-Davis, V Ikeshoji-Orlati
Evaluating the impact of a virtual reality workstation in an academic library: Methodology and preliminary findings
Z Lischer‐Katz, M Cook, K Boulden
Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology 55 (1 …, 2018
Using 3D/VR for research and cultural heritage preservation: project update on the virtual Ganjali Khan project
K Bozorgi, Z Lischer-Katz
Preservation, Digital Technology & Culture 49 (2), 45-57, 2020
Integrating 3D and virtual reality into research and pedagogy in higher education
M Cook, Z Lischer-Katz
Beyond Reality: Augmented, Virtual, and Mixed Reality in the Library, 69-85, 2019
Studying the materiality of media archives in the age of digitization: Forensics, infrastructures and ecologies
Z Lischer-Katz
First Monday, 2017
3D Data repository features, best practices, and implications for preservation models: findings from a National forum
JL Hardesty, J Johnson, J Wittenberg, N Hall, M Cook, Z Lischer-Katz, ...
ACRL, 2020
The emergence of digital reformatting in the history of preservation knowledge: 1823–2015
Z Lischer-Katz
Journal of Documentation 78 (6), 1249-1277, 2022
Reconsidering technical labor in information institutions: The case of analog video digitization.
Z Lischer-Katz
Library Trends 68 (2), 213-251, 2019
(In) accessibility and the technocratic library: Addressing institutional failures in library adoption of emerging technologies
JL Clark, Z Lischer-Katz
First Monday, 2023
Barriers to Supporting Accessible VR in Academic Libraries
J Clark, Z Lischer-Katz
Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy 17, 2020
A methodological framework for studying visual information practices
Z Lischer-Katz
Library & Information Science Research 44 (4), 101188, 2022
Supporting Virtual Reality and 3D in Academic Libraries: Defining Preservation and Curation Challenges
Z Lischer-Katz, M Cook, N Hall, J Hardesty, J Wittenberg, J Johnson, ...
International Conference on Digital Preservation, 2019
Practical steps for an effective virtual reality course integration
M Cook, Z Lischer-Katz
College & Undergraduate Libraries, 1-17, 2021
Challenges and Directions in 3D and VR DataCuration: Findings from a Nominal Group Study
N Hall, J Hardesty, Z Lischer-Katz, J Johnson, M Cook, A Ogier, ...
International Journal of Data Curation, 2019
Digitization as Information Practice
Z Lischer-Katz
iConference 2014 Proceedings, 2014
Archiving experience: an exploration of the challenges of preserving virtual reality
Z Lischer-Katz
Records Management Journal 30 (2), 253-274, 2020
Introduction–3D/VR creation and curation: An emerging field of inquiry
Z Lischer-Katz, K Golubiewski-Davis, J Grayburn, V Ikeshoji-Orlati
3D/VR in the Academic Library: Emerging Practices and Trend s, CLIR Report 176, 2019
Considering JPEG2000 for video preservation: A battle for epistemic ground
Z Lischer-Katz
iConference 2014 Proceedings, 2014
Virtual Reality and the Academic Library of the Future
Z Lischer-Katz, M Cook
The Past, Present, and Future of Libraries, 185-210, 2022
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Articles 1–20