John Shepherd
John Shepherd
Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), UNSW
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Picture similarity retrieval using the 2D projection interval representation
M Nabil, AHH Ngu, J Shepherd
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 8 (4), 533-539, 1996
Online role‐play environments for higher education
C Russell, J Shepherd
British Journal of Educational Technology 41 (6), 992-1002, 2010
Experiences in teaching Middle East politics via internet-based role-play simulation
A Vincent, J Shepherd
Journal of Interactive Media in Education 1998 (3), Art. 11, 1998
SS+ tree: an improved index structure for similarity searches in a high-dimensional feature space
R Kurniawati, JS Jin, JA Shepard
Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases V 3022, 110-120, 1997
A superimposed codeword indexing scheme for very large Prolog databases
K Ramamohanarao, J Shepherd
Third International Conference on Logic Programming: Imperial College of …, 1986
2D projection interval relationships: A symbolic representation of spatial relationships
M Nabil, J Shepherd, AHH Ngu
International Symposium on Spatial Databases, 292-309, 1995
Towards effective content-based music retrieval with multiple acoustic feature combination
J Shen, J Shepherd, AHH Ngu
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 8 (6), 1179-1189, 2006
A novel framework for efficient automated singer identification in large music databases
J Shen, J Shepherd, B Cui, KL Tan
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 27 (3), 1-31, 2009
TEXUS: A unified framework for extracting and understanding tables in PDF documents
R Rastan, HY Paik, J Shepherd
Information Processing & Management 56 (3), 895-918, 2019
Fast indexing method for multidimensional nearest-neighbor search
JA Shepherd, X Zhu, N Megiddo
Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases VII 3656, 350-355, 1998
Efficient image and tag co-ranking: a bregman divergence optimization method
L Wu, Y Wang, J Shepherd
Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference on Multimedia, 593-596, 2013
A collaborative approach for caching dynamic data in portal applications
M Mahdavi, J Shepherd, B Benatallah
Proceedings of the 15th Australasian database conference-Volume 27, 181-188, 2004
Texus: A task-based approach for table extraction and understanding
R Rastan, HY Paik, J Shepherd
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, 25-34, 2015
Modelling moving objects in multimedia databases
M Nabil, AHH Ngu, J Shepherd
Database Systems For Advanced Applications' 97, 67-75, 1997
Towards efficient automated singer identification in large music databases
J Shen, B Cui, J Shepherd, KL Tan
Proceedings of the 29th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2006
Semantic-sensitive classification for large image libraries
J Shen, J Shepherd, AHH Ngu
11th International Multimedia Modelling Conference, 340-345, 2005
The NU-Prolog deductive database system
K Ramamohanarao, J Shepherd, I Balbin, G Port, L Naish, J Thom, ...
Prolog and databases: implementations and new directions, 212-250, 1989
Modeling and retrieval of moving objects
M Nabil, AHH Ngu, J Shepherd
Multimedia Tools and Applications 13, 35-71, 2001
Selectivity estimation for joins using systematic sampling
B Harangsri, J Shepherd, A Ngu
Database and Expert Systems Applications. 8th International Conference, DEXA …, 1997
TEXUS: table extraction system for PDF documents
R Rastan, HY Paik, J Shepherd, SH Ryu, A Beheshti
Databases Theory and Applications: 29th Australasian Database Conference …, 2018
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Articles 1–20